A simple graph library written in Go.
Graphs are represented by an adjacency list combined with ports for each node. Paths can be found by using recursive depth first search.
When using reference types as type parameter, always use the same pointer to reference the same logical object! As the type is being used as key in a map and compared for equality, this is very important.
Consider the following simple graph:
one := graphs.NewNode[int, string](1)
two := graphs.NewNode[int, string](2)
three := graphs.NewNode[int, string](3)
four := graphs.NewNode[int, string](4)
five := graphs.NewNode[int, string](5)
six := graphs.NewNode[int, string](6)
one.ConnectBi("a", "b")
two.ConnectBi("a", "b")
two.ConnectBi("a", "c")
three.ConnectBi("a", "b")
four.ConnectBi("a", "b")
five.ConnectBi("a", "b")
five.ConnectBi("a", "c")
six.ConnectBi("a", "b")
graph := graphs.NewGraph[int, string]()
graphs.ConnectRefBi(1, "b", 2, "a")
graphs.ConnectRefBi(2, "b", 3, "a")
graphs.ConnectRefBi(2, "c", 4, "a")
graphs.ConnectRefBi(3, "b", 5, "b")
graphs.ConnectRefBi(4, "b", 5, "c")
graphs.ConnectRefBi(5, "a", 6, "a")
paths := graphs.FindRef(1, "b", 4, "b")