I am a final year Bachelor of Technology(Computer Science) student at SRM Institute of Science and technology, Kattankulatur. I like building projects related to Machine Learning and Deep Learning. I also do App Development in my spare time and Flutter is my go-to framework for that. Go have a look at all my awesome projects and feel free to reach out to me for any concerns, queries or suggestions.
Wednesday, 19 February
🔭 I’m currently working on "Fun Stuff".
🌱 I’m currently learning MERN Stack.
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Cool projects, Kaggle competitions and Startup Ideas.
👨💻 Find more about me at yashchoudhary.me
💬 I can help you with Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Flutter, C++, Python and JavaScript.
📫 Feel free to reach out at [email protected]
⚡ Fun fact: "217 is the room in Stephen King's novel "The Shining", that plays a central part in the story as it is haunted."