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yagoplx/y edited this page Apr 24, 2021 · 1 revision

This page contains every configuration option and description under /etc/routertools.d/ files.
All values set here are the defaults.

  • routertools.d/daemon.conf
# x86routertools daemon mode configuration file
# these options are only valid for the --daemon command

# daemon_manage_inet_every -> a number in seconds. the internet watchdog will be executed every this amount of time.

# daemon_manage_wifi_every -> a number in seconds. the wifi watchdog will be executed every this amount of time.

# daemon_wifi_wait_for_internet_timeout -> a number in seconds.
# if running in daemon mode and require_internet is enabled, after this long and internet is still not available wifi will be started anyway.
# set to 0 if you really want to disable this
  • routertools.d/x86routertools.conf
# x86routertools main configuration file

# use_logger -> a boolean.
# if true, the script will try to use logger to send messages to the system log.
# if you are running routertools in the crontab or via a systemd service, you don't need this.

# status_led -> a string. point this to an entry in /sys/class/leds/ to have routertools control that led
# for indicating status changes. leave empty to turn it off.

# inet_iface -> the interface that will be checked by
# internet commands, and started by internet scripts. example: enp2s0

# important_services -> a list of systemd services important to this router.
# they will be started by the connectivity commands. example: dnsmasq haveged
# you should also include your firewall service here.

# notify_mode -> if properly set, check commands like check-inet will send a global notification if they notice
# something is wrong. can be 'x11' for a desktop notification, 'tty' for terminal, and 'both' for both. Use 'none' if you don't want this.

# inet_check_timeout -> a number in seconds. this is for how long it'll wait for an external address to respond
# or for dns names to be resolved. higher values make the internet check more lenient, and perhaps slower.

# silence_check_services -> a boolean. if true, you won't get a warning about things not being installed. 

# enable_rngd -> a boolean. if true, rng-tools' rngd will be started along with the wifi AP and haveged.
# it makes additional randomness for the OS. however, it may cause high CPU usage on computers without hardware RNG generators.

# enable_cake_sqm -> a boolean. if true, CAKE queue discipline will be applied
# in a way similar to sqm_scripts. This helps with bufferbloat and latency.
# it is applied to most, if not all, interfaces, except for lo.

# enable_cake_ack_filter -> a boolean. if true, CAKE ack filtering will be enabled on all interfaces.
# to improve performance on some networks (esp. asymmetric links). this option may cause problems, and needs testing.

# sqm_ack_filter_aggressive -> a boolean. if true, and enable_cake_ack_filter is also true, the ack filter
# will be set to aggressive mode on all interfaces. use this on highly asymmetric links like satellite.

# ack_filter_no_ppp -> a boolean. if true, and enable_cake_ack_filter is also true, the ack filter
# will not be enabled on ppp interfaces. try this if you encounter problems with ppp

# restart_services_for_wifi -> a boolean. if true, important_services will be automatically restarted alongside wifi interfaces.

# sqm_inet_upload -> a number. set this to your internet's upload speed in Mbps.
# if this is not set, i will just not do upload traffic shaping.

# sqm_inet_download -> a number. set this to your internet's download speed in Mbps.
# if this is not set, i will just not do download traffic shaping.

# sqm_wash_markings -> a boolean. if true, washes out traffic type markings inbound.
# use this if you don't trust the ISP to get them right.

# sqm_use_overheads -> a boolean. if true, sqm will use some predefined overhead keywords for packet size compensation. may help with bufferbloat.

# sqm_wifi_wash -> a boolean. if true, washes diffserv markings on wifi interfaces, for when you don't trust WMM to get things right.
# this will automatically set besteffort on the wifi interfaces.

# sqm_diffserv -> a number. select number of diffserv tins cake will use, can be 0, 3, 4 or 8
# 0 is besteffort and may complement sqm_wash_markings. if unset, 4 will be used.

# sqm_enable_ifb_on_ethernet -> a boolean. if true, full cake traffic shaping
# will also be attempted on ethernet interfaces, not just ppp.
# enable this if you get internet on this machine via NAT/DHCP from another router.

# enable_bbr -> a boolean. if true, enables Google's BBR tcp congestion algorithm for
# enhanced network performance, when applying SQM. Will enable BBRv2 instead of v1 if available.

# enable_rpfilter -> a boolean. if true, enables reverse path filtering on all interfaces, when applying qdisc options.
# this will block common address forging attacks on your network.
# it does not replace a firewall!
  • routertools.d/wifi-access-points/example_interface.conf
# x86routertools interface configuration file
# This file can be reset to the original via 'routertools reset-config'
# To change what interface this file belongs to just rename it to 'whatever_interface_name.conf'
# Same goes for the hostapd configuration file except the filename should end with _hostapd.conf

# hostapd_wait_for_secs -> seconds to wait for hostapd to ready interfaces
# 15 seconds is a reasonable number. increase this if you use ACS or a lot of virtual interfaces.

# wifi_txpower -> transmission power for this interface
# can be 'auto' or a number in dBm for fixed power. Auto is usually best.

# wifi_powersave -> a boolean (true/false). if true, powersaving features will be enabled as soon as the AP is turned on.

# wifi_regdomain -> if set to a two-letter country code like GY, will set this as the system's regulatory domain
# before starting the AP. This affects transmit power and usable channels.

# wifi_drivers -> a list of kernel modules to remove and insert upon starting this AP.
# this is not the same as hostapd's driver configuration. lspci -v may give you the name of the kernel module the interface is using.
# leave commented if you don't know.
# wifi_drivers= 

# wifi_reload_drivers -> a boolean (true/false). if true, the drivers will be reloaded on AP start.
# depends on wifi_drivers, and fixes some issues with some drivers such as rtl8192eX
# wifi_reload_drivers=false

# wifi_darkstat_port -> a port. if set, darkstat will be initialized on this interface and port
# so that you may snoop on its traffic statistics via a web browser. Requires darkstat to be installed
# wifi_darkstat_port=667

# wifi_virtual_interfaces -> a list of additional interfaces you spawned with hostapd bssids.
# the script needs to know about them to properly initialize them.
# if you are only using one AP on this network card you need not set this.
# wifi_virtual_interfaces=

# wifi_dynack -> a boolean. true enables dynamic ack timeout estimation algorithm, only works on Atheros cards
# dynack may significantly increase connection speed with far away/ weak clients. dynack is not supported by all cards.

# wifi_paprd -> a boolean. true enables digital predistortion, only works on Atheros cards.
# paprd compensates for signal distortion at higher rates and allows higher rates at higher power levels (+range)
# WARNING: there are reports of paprd damaging some older Atheros ath9k cards, but this has probably been fixed.

# wifi_retry_short -> a number. sets the limit of times the AP will retry sending a packet before dropping it.
# default is 3

# wifi_retry_long -> a number. sets the limit of times the AP will retry sending a packet before dropping it in RTS/CTS mode.
# default is 2

# wifi_lnamix -> a boolean. true enables low noise amplifier mixing, only works on Atheros cards.
# lnamix might help signal strength.

# wifi_ani -> a boolean. false disables adaptive noise immunity, only works on Atheros cards.

# wifi_coverage -> a number. sets coverage class in microsec of air propagation time. default is 3. setting this disables dynack.

# wifi_disable_cck -> a boolean. true disables legacy b/g rates, disallowing legacy clients and increasing airtime efficiency.
# only has any effect with lots of connected stations, may have adverse effects otherwise.


# require_internet -> a boolean. true makes it so this wireless interface will only be set up via check commands if an internet connection is available.

# enable_ipv6 -> a boolean. true only enables ipv6 forwarding on this interface.
# if you actually want it to work you need radvd or a configured dnsmasq.
# unless something else in your network does this for you.

# enable_pptp -> a boolean. true inserts the module needed for PPTP. if you are not sure you need it say false here, as the Point to Point Tunneling Protocol is known to be insecure.

# gateway -> a gateway in ipv4 format. example:
# usually this is the internet router's private ip address.
# since this computer is probably also the internet providing router,
# you may want to set it to this computer's ip address as set in /etc/hosts
# this will also be used as the interface's ipv4 address.
# gateways for more virtual interfaces can be set in gateway_x

# gateway_6 -> a gateway in ipv6 format. same quirks as gateway. example: ba1f:010a:89d4::1
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