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The playlists.json file

Lilian Mallardeau edited this page Mar 16, 2022 · 1 revision

This file must contain the links of the playlists you want to download. After running playlist-sync init, it looks like this:

        "url": "",
        "folder": "PLAYLIST_FOLDER",
        "overwrite": false
        "url": "",
        "folder": "PLAYLIST_FOLDER",
        "overwrite": false

It's not that complicated to understand. For each playlist you want to download, simply copy-paste the 5-line block (with the curly braces and the comma), paste the link of the playlist into the url field, and the name of the target folder in the folder field. For the last playlist, don't include a comma after the closing curly brace.

The overwrite field allows you to specify if the whole playlist should be redownloaded each time and files overwritten (true) or if already existing files should not be redownloaded (false).

Note: If you want to download a playlist from Spotify, you need to make it public first.

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