pandas-profiling v2.5.0
- Progress bar added (#224)
- Character analysis for Text/NLP (#278)
- Themes: configuration and demo's (Orange, Dark)
- Tutorial on modifying the report's structure (#362; #281, #259, #253, #234). This jupyter notebook also demonstrates how to use the Kaggle api together with pandas-profiling.
- Toggle descriptions at correlations.
- This is the last version to support Python 3.5.
- The order of columns changed when sort="None" (#377, fixed).
- Pandas v1.0.X is not yet supported (#367, #366, #363, #353, pinned pandas to < 1)
- Improved mixed type detection (#351)
- Refactor of report structures.
- Correlations are more stable (e.g. Phi_k color scale now from 0-1, rows and columns with NaN values are dropped, #329).
- Distinct counts exclude NaNs.
- Fixed alerts in notebooks.
Other improvements:
- Warnings are now sorted.
- Links to Binder and Google Colab are added for notebooks (#349)
- The overview section is tabbed.
- Commit for pandas-profiling v2.5.0
- Progress bar added (#224)
- Character analysis for Text/NLP (#278)
- Themes: configuration and demo's (Orange, Dark)
- Tutorial on modifying the report's structure (#362; #281, #259, #253, #234). This jupyter notebook also demonstrates how to use the Kaggle api together with pandas-profiling.
- Toggle descriptions at correlations.
- This is the last version to support Python 3.5.
- The order of columns changed when sort="None" (#377, fixed).
- Pandas v1.0.X is not yet supported (#367, #366, #363, #353, pinned pandas to < 1)
- Improved mixed type detection (#351)
- Refactor of report structures.
- Correlations are more stable (e.g. Phi_k color scale now from 0-1, rows and columns with NaN values are dropped, #329).
- Distinct counts exclude NaNs.
- Fixed alerts in notebooks.
Other improvements:
- Warnings are now sorted.
- Links to Binder and Google Colab are added for notebooks (#349)
- The overview section is tabbed.