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Add deposit facility
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0xkorin committed Jul 15, 2024
1 parent c5fb324 commit e6bea79
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Showing 2 changed files with 471 additions and 0 deletions.
251 changes: 251 additions & 0 deletions contracts/DepositFacility.vy
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@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
# @version 0.3.10
@title yETH deposit/withdrawal facility
@author 0xkorin, Yearn Finance
@license GNU AGPLv3
Facility to allow permissioned actors to mint and burn yETH
at a 1:1 rate with ETH. Management can set the maximum amount of yETH
debt the facility can hold, as well as add and remove from the mint
and burn whitelists

interface POL:
def send_native(_receiver: address, _amount: uint256): nonpayable
def receive_native(): payable

interface Token:
def mint(_account: address, _value: uint256): nonpayable
def burn(_account: address, _value: uint256): nonpayable

token: public(immutable(Token))
management: public(address)
pending_management: public(address)
operator: public(address)
pol: public(address)
capacity: public(uint256)
debt: public(uint256) # denominated in yETH
pol_debt: public(uint256) # denominated in ETH
mint_whitelist: public(HashMap[address, bool])
burn_whitelist: public(HashMap[address, bool])

event Mint:
caller: indexed(address)
recipient: address
amount: uint256

event Burn:
caller: indexed(address)
recipient: address
amount: uint256

event FromPol:
amount: uint256

event ToPol:
amount: uint256
debt_repaid: uint256

event SetCapacity:
capacity: uint256

event SetMintWhitelist:
minter: address
whitelisted: bool

event SetBurnWhitelist:
burner: address
whitelisted: bool

event SetOperator:
operator: address

event SetPol:
pol: address

event PendingManagement:
management: indexed(address)

event SetManagement:
management: indexed(address)

def __init__(_token: address, _pol: address):
@notice Constructor
@param _token yETH token contract address
@param _pol POL contract address
token = Token(_token) = msg.sender
self.operator = msg.sender
self.pol = _pol

def __default__():
@notice Receive ETH
@dev Can only be called by POL
assert msg.sender == self.pol

def available() -> (uint256, uint256):
@notice Available capacity of the facility
@return Amount of yETH that can be minted, amount of yETH that can be burned
capacity: uint256 = self.capacity
return capacity - min(self.debt, capacity), self.balance

def mint(_recipient: address = msg.sender):
@notice Mint yETH by sending ETH in a 1:1 ratio
@param _recipient Recipient of the minted yETH
@dev Can only be called by addresses on the mint whitelist
assert msg.value > 0
assert self.mint_whitelist[msg.sender]
debt: uint256 = self.debt + msg.value
assert debt <= self.capacity

self.debt = debt, msg.value)
log Mint(msg.sender, _recipient, msg.value)

def burn(_amount: uint256, _recipient: address = msg.sender):
@notice Burn yETH in exchange for receiving ETH in a 1:1 ratio
@param _amount Amount of yETH to burn
@param _recipient Recipient of the unlocked ETH
@dev Can only be called by addresses on the burn whitelist
assert _amount > 0
assert self.burn_whitelist[msg.sender]

self.debt -= _amount
token.burn(msg.sender, _amount)
raw_call(_recipient, b"", value=_amount)
log Burn(msg.sender, _recipient, _amount)

def from_pol(_amount: uint256):
@notice Move ETH from the POL to the facility
@param _amount Amount of ETH to move
@dev Can only be called by the operator
assert msg.sender == self.operator
self.pol_debt += _amount
POL(self.pol).send_native(self, _amount)
log FromPol(_amount)

def to_pol(_amount: uint256):
@notice Move ETH from the facility to the POL
@param _amount Amount of ETH to move
@dev Can only be called by the operator
assert msg.sender == self.operator

# if we have received ETH from the POL in the past, repay it first
# this makes sure we dont double count ETH and increase the POL debt cap unfairly
repay: uint256 = min(_amount, self.pol_debt)
if repay > 0:
self.pol_debt -= repay

remaining: uint256 = _amount - repay
if remaining > 0:
raw_call(self.pol, b"", value=remaining)
log ToPol(_amount, repay)

def set_capacity(_capacity: uint256):
@notice Set the maximum ETH capacity of the facility
@param _capacity Maximum capacity
@dev Can only be called by management
assert msg.sender ==
self.capacity = _capacity
log SetCapacity(_capacity)

def set_mint_whitelist(_account: address, _whitelisted: bool):
@notice Set mint whitelist status of an account
@param _account Account to change the whitelist status for
@param _whitelisted True: add to whitelist, False: remove from whitelist
@dev Can only be called by management
assert msg.sender ==
assert _account != empty(address)
self.mint_whitelist[_account] = _whitelisted
log SetMintWhitelist(_account, _whitelisted)

def set_burn_whitelist(_account: address, _whitelisted: bool):
@notice Set burn whitelist status of an account
@param _account Account to change the whitelist status for
@param _whitelisted True: add to whitelist, False: remove from whitelist
@dev Can only be called by management
assert msg.sender ==
assert _account != empty(address)
self.burn_whitelist[_account] = _whitelisted
log SetBurnWhitelist(_account, _whitelisted)

def set_operator(_operator: address):
@notice Set the operator address
@param _operator Address of the new operator
@dev Can only be called by management
assert msg.sender ==
self.operator = _operator
log SetOperator(_operator)

def set_pol(_pol: address):
@notice Set the POL contract address
@param _pol Address of the new POL
@dev Can only be called by management
assert msg.sender ==
assert _pol != empty(address)
self.pol = _pol
log SetPol(_pol)

def set_management(_management: address):
Set the pending management address.
Needs to be accepted by that account separately to transfer management over
@param _management New pending management address
assert msg.sender ==
self.pending_management = _management
log PendingManagement(_management)

def accept_management():
Accept management role.
Can only be called by account previously marked as pending management by current management
assert msg.sender == self.pending_management
self.pending_management = empty(address) = msg.sender
log SetManagement(msg.sender)

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