Disclaimer: This tool is not officially supported by SAP. Use at your own risk
This tool allows you to:
get data about builds and create (=start) new builds:
ccv2ctl get build 20180930.2 # data about a specific build ccv2ctl get build --all # data of all builds ccv2ctl create build --name some-name --branch production # create a new build ccv2ctl logs 20180930.2 # dump build log to stdout
check the data about running deployments
ccv2ctl get deployment d1
trigger a deployment
ccv2ctl create deployment --build 20180930.3 --environment d1 --mode none
get data about previous deployments
ccv2ctl get deploymenthistory d1
get data about initial passwords
ccv2ctl get initialpassword d1
get customer properties
ccv2ctl get customerproperties d1 --aspect hcs_common
set customer properties
ccv2ctl set customerproperties d1 --aspect hcs_common --propertyfile hcs_common.properties # set properties from file hcs_common.properties echo accstore.environment=dev | ccv2ctl set customerproperties d1 --aspect hcs_common # set properties from stdin
Every command has a detailed help available, make sure to check it! (use ccv2ctl help
as an entry point)
Since Go compiles executables as statically linked binaries, you can easily distribute this tool to you CI/CD servers (Jenkins, for example) and use it to automate builds and deployments to the Commerce Cloud.
Authentication is done via the client certificate for a S-User, the SAP Passport
The S-User needs to be configured as CUSTOMER_DEVELOPER
in the CCV2 Cloud Portal.
You need to export the certificate and the key into two PEM-encoded files so they can be used for ccv2ctl
(you will be prompted for the keystore password):
openssl pkcs12 -in /path/to/store.pfx -nokeys -nodes | openssl x509 -out certfile.pem
openssl pkcs12 -in /path/to/store.pfx -nocerts -nodes | openssl rsa -out keyfile.pem
Clone the repo and build the binary
go get github.com/sap-commerce-tools/ccv2ctl go build github.com/sap-commerce-tools/ccv2ctl
put the binary somewhere on your
, or just rungo install github.com/sap-commerce-tools/ccv2ctl
create the config file
in your home directory with following content:certfile: /path/to/certfile.pem # Path to PEM-encoded SAP Passport client certificate keyfile: /path/to/keyfile.pem # Path to PEM-encoded key of SAP Passport client certificate # subscription: c0deba5ec0deba5ec0deba5ec0deba5e # (optional) Default subscription-ID to use for all commands. You can find the ID in the URL of the cloud portal. # https://portal.commerce.ondemand.com/subscription/c0deba5ec0deba5ec0deba5ec0deba5e/... # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # cookiejar: /path/to/jar # (optional) path to HTTP cookie jar to avoid DDOSing the portal. # Default value: $HOME/.ccv2jar
I recommend configuring the default
You can provide all configuration options also on the commend line or as environment variables (prefixed with
Check the output ofccv2ctl help
for further details.
It simulates the single-sign-on flow of the frontend using a SAP Passport client certificate.
Once we have an authenticated session, we can call the same REST APIs that the Cloud Portal uses.