Web application to track and predict progress with weight loss based on caloric intake.
Main Page
- Users enter in the types of food eaten each day in the table on the main page.
- Each entry for food needs to have the food name, number of calories, grams of protein, grams of carbohydrates, and grams of sugar.
- Some commonly eaten foods are already saved and will autopopulate all of the nutrition data when selected in the search bar in the table.
- The bottom of the table shows the total amount of calories, protein, carbohydrates, and sugars eaten each day.
- In order to use the learner, the user must also record their wiehgt for each day.
- Users can edit fitness data for each day
- Users can also upload their own data or download the data saved in the website.
- Users can pick which one of their uploaded files to use for the website.