released this
01 Mar 04:10
ScanNeo2 supports Snakmake>=8
--use-conda replaced by --software-deployment-method conda
--use-singularity replaced by --software-deployment-method apptainer
Gather/scatter of the indel calling speeds up ScanNeo2 on multiple cores
added script to split bamfiles by chromosome (scripts/
haplotypecaller first/final round is done per chromosome and later merged
mutect2 is done per chromosome and later merged
Genotyping MHC-II works now on both single-end and paired-end
User-defined HLA alleles are matched against the hla refset
Added multiple routine to catch errors when only custom variants are provided
Added additional parameters in config file
When using BAMfiles the HLA typing wrongly expected single-end reads and performed preprocessing
Each environment is no thoroughly versioned to ensure interoperability
Missing immunogenicity calculation on certain values of MHC-I fixed
Fixed prediction of binding affinity in MHC-II (as the columns are different from MHC-I)
You can’t perform that action at this time.