Created a private Spotify playlist by scraping data from billboard. The date will be taken as input and the top 100 songs from that date will be created as a private playlist in our Spotify account.
Tech Stack - Python, BeautifulSoup, Spotipy API
1. Created a Spotify Developer Account
- Signed up on Spotify Developers
- Goto Dashboards -> Created a new App
- In the app settings, added the REDIRECT_URI as
- Stored the spotify client ID, client secret, Redirect URI in environment variables.
2. Get the songs from Billboard
- Scraped html data using BeautifulSoup from Billboard for the date given as input.
3. Search through Spotify to get the song URI
- Created Spotify object with the required credentials.
- Searched the songs through the URI, skipped if the song doesn't exist and stored them all.
4. Creating playlist
- Created a playlist under the current user.
- Added the stored songs to this playlist.