Tweaker raspberry pi 2
Raspberry Pi 2 CPU Tweaker is a script written exclusively on Raspberry Pi 2.
If overclocking the cpu recommend a cooling kit: 2 sinks for Raspberry Pi.
With this script, you can do / see these things:
CPU Temperature CPU Voltage The minimum processor speed Top speed CPU CPU current speed Sampling rate (sampling frequency)> if the CPU is Governor "OnDemand" The sampling rate min (minimum sampling rate)> if the CPU is Governor "OnDemand" Until threshold (maximum threshold of the increase in the burden of processor frequency. Recommended 50%)> if the CPU is Governor "OnDemand" Transition latency (CPU speed change is made in x nano seconds) Changing Governor CPU (the performance of the governor, PowerSave, the user space, OnDemand, Conservative) Overclocking Check the script updates the main menu