A tool that encrypts a file (with gpg symmetric encryption) and securely deletes the source file, or decrypts a file encrypted with gpg semmytric encryption.
This shell script is designed to run on Arch and Debian based linux distros. It should be able to run on other linux distros, however I have not tested it.
This shell script requires the following packages: gpg and wipe. If these packages are not installed the shell script will attempt to install them. Otherwise please install them youself.
Due to the way SSDs are designed, a proper secure wipe on an SSD is not possible. For more information about the topic of SSDs and secure deletion here is an informative paper. https://www.cs.auckland.ac.nz/~pgut001/pubs/secure_del.html. Under the Even Further Epilogue is an explanation to why a secure wipe is not possible* on an SSD.
- download the secure-encrypt.sh file
- Run it with
./secure-encrypt.sh [filename < optional >]
- If you did not enter a file name you will then be asked to enter the filename. If the file is in the same directory you can just enter its name, however if it is in a different directory, please provide the full directory.
- You will then be prompted to enter a password either to encrypt or decrypt. If the file ends with .gpg it will decrypt, otherwise it will encrypt
- And your done.
- Move the file to a desired location. I placed mine inside my home directory.
- run the following command alias
- Now you can following the steps under usgae, except instead of needing to be in the same directory and typing
you can istead typesecenc