extensions for ros_controllers
- controller which does completely nothing
- useful when notifing hardware to something by just swithing to this controller
<controller_namespace>/command (std_msgs/Float64MultiArray)
- must have exactly 2 data elements
- data[0] & data[1] correspond position & velocity commands
- layout will be ignored
- subscribed when separete_command is false
<controller_namespace>/pos_command (std_msgs/Float64)
- subscribed when separete_command is true
<controller_namespace>/vel_command (std_msgs/Float64)
- subscribed when separete_command is true
<controller_namespace>/joint (string, required)
- joint name to be managed by the controller
<controller_namespace>/separate_command (bool, default: true)
- if true, position & velocity commands are separately subscribed
<controller_namespace>/command (std_msgs/Float64MultiArray)
- must have exactly 3 data elements
- data[0], data[1] & data[2] correspond position, velocity & effort commands
- layout will be ignored
- subscribed when separete_command is false
<controller_namespace>/pos_command (std_msgs/Float64)
- subscribed when separete_command is true
<controller_namespace>/vel_command (std_msgs/Float64)
- subscribed when separete_command is true
<controller_namespace>/eff_command (std_msgs/Float64)
- subscribed when separete_command is true
<controller_namespace>/joint (string, required)
- joint name to be managed by the controller
<controller_namespace>/separate_command (bool, default: true)
- if true, position, velocity & effort commands are separately subscribed