This is one of the other way to make laravel project clean so it's easy to read
This project using:
To run this project, what you have to prepare is:
Enable multiple extensions in the php.ini file as follows:
- pdo_pgsql
- fileinfo
- pgsql
- openssl
Adding Swagger environment variable in file .env:
L5_SWAGGER_CONST_HOST=(Laravel Server)/api
If all the preparations have been made then to run it as follows:
Using bash:
Manual Installation:
- Install or update the required packages
composer update
- Set app key
php artisan:key generate
- Create table and data constants with migrations and seeders
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
- Test and make sure there are no errors
php artisan test
- Run laravel server
php artisan serve
- Open a browser and copy the following address into the search field
Yovie Alfa Guistuta - @yoviealfa - [email protected]