This bot is making announces in a Discord Channel when an ARISS contact is scheduled during the next two weeks. It's a quick and dirty script, but it works.
- It get the events from an ICS calendar from the network
- In this configuration, it filter only European passes but can be easily converted to other regions
I highly recommend you use a virtual-env to install it.
You will need:
- The Discord Channel ID to publish to. To find it, you need to turn your discord app in developer mode (From you user settings -> advanced -> Developer mode) Then right click on the channel you want the id, et you have the ability to copy it in the contextual menu
- A Discord API key
- Got to the Discord developper portal and connect your account
- Go to New Application (top right)
- Give a name to your bot
- On the left menu choose Bot
- Click on Reset Token and Copy and save your Token. It won't show again
- In the Privileged Gateway Intents part of the page, check the Message Content Intent switch so the bot is allowed to send messages.
- The URL of the ICS calendar ( I got mine from )
Copy the .env.dist
file as .env
cp .env.dist .env
Edit the .env
file to specify
- Set the DiscordChannel id you want to publish to with the one you got on the previous step
- Set the BotKEY Discord API key with the Token you got in the previous step
- You can change the Location to your area. It's the one from the "FM over Europe" string in the event. Put "." if you want the whole world.
- Set the CalendarURL to the URL containing the ICS calendar
- Create a
You may need to replace python with python3 on some platforms.
python -m venv arissenv
source arissenv/bin/activate
- You install the requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
I run this script each week with
. arissenv/bin/activate