Cordova-MAS-IdentityManagement is the user and group management framework of the Cordova Mobile SDK, which is part of CA Mobile API Gateway. It enables developers to securely access users and groups from enterprise identity providers like LDAP, MSAD, and others. Supports creating groups on the fly (called ad hoc groups) for collaborative apps. The underlying protocol is SCIM.
The MASIdentityManagement framework comes with the following features:
- User retrieval
- Group retrieval and management
Follow our documentation to install Cordova and set up iOS and Android projects.
Contributions are welcome and much appreciated. To learn more, see the Contribution Guidelines.
The reference documents for the MAS modules are generated using the JSDoc markdown language. JSDoc reads the JS files with annotations in comments, and generates an HTML output. It considers the comments that start with /**.
To install JSDoc, follow the instructions on JSDoc website.
The Cordova reference documents are available at our site.
Example: An annotated comment for validateOTP method is as follows:
Validate the OTP.
* @param {function} successHandler user defined success callback
* @param {function} errorHandler user defined error callback
* @param {string} otp user defined one-time password to verify
Param – Specifies a parameter. {string} – Specifies the return type of the method. otp – Specifies the variable name. user defined one-time password to verify – Describes the method.
Compile the JSDoc reference document as follows:
jsdoc www/ -d jsdocs
where “www/” is the location of the js file, and “-d jsdocs” is the location where the generated reference documents are placed.
For more information about how to write and compile the JSDoc reference documents, see the JSDoc website.
- Have general questions or need help?, use [Stack Overflow][StackOverflow]. (Tag 'massdk')
- Find a bug?, open an issue with the steps to reproduce it.
- Request a feature or have an idea?, open an issue.
Copyright (c) 2016 CA. All rights reserved.
This software may be modified and distributed under the terms of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.