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STRATO Developer Edition - Getting Started guide



Key components to note

  • Bloc API: User/Account Management and Smart-contracts management via API.
  • STRATO API: Blockchain API for blocks and transactions.
  • Cirrus: Index and search smart-contracts, SQL-like query API for looking up smart-contracts and state changes.
  • STRATO Management Dashboard (SMD): Web based UI for your Private Ethereum Blockchain Network using Bloc/STRATO API for User and Contracts management & offering SQL like query interface for smart-contracts.

Sign-up for trial

To use this guide you will need to have signed up for our Developer Edition Trial, if you have not already done so sign up here:



  • Install Docker on your machine

  • Install Docker Compose on your machine

  • For Mac users: Install wget using Homebrew (use the steps below):

    • Homebrew:

      ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

    • wget:

      brew install wget --with-libressl


The list of the ports required to be available on the machine


Steps to setup and run STRATO Developer Edition using Docker on your machine:

  1. Clone STRATO Getting Started repo using git clone or download and extract .zip archive. And chdir or cd into that folder.

  2. Configure docker registry login using the credentials [USER, PASSWORD, REGISTRY] you received via email after your registration for trial:

    docker login -u <USER> -p <PASSWORD> <REGISTRY>
  3. Launch STRATO services:

    • Run:

      chmod +x
    • Then run the script (runs latest STRATO version by default):


      If running on the remote machine, provide the NODE_HOST variable with the machine's external IP address or domain (reachable through the network) when running the STRATO: ./

      Windows users should always provide the NODE_HOST variable with the docker machine IP address (in most cases it is when running the STRATO: NODE_HOST= ./

      or to run stable version:

      ./ --stable
  4. Check if STRATO services are running (using docker ps) & view the Strato Management Dashboard at http://localhost/ (or http://<remote_node_host>/ when running on remote machine)

    If NODE_HOST is set in step 3, use it's value instead of the localhost hereinafter

  5. Explore the Bloc and STRATO API docs via the top right link on the Dashboard (http://localhost) STRATO Management Dashboard

    • Default credentials for UI web pages:
      username: admin
      password: admin
    • API Docs can also be accessed at these endpoints directly:
      strato-api: http://localhost/strato-api/eth/v1.2/docs
      bloc api: http://localhost/bloc/v2.1/docs
  6. Refer documentation here to get started with developing a sample app:

  7. Reach out to BlockApps team for more info on support and enterprise licensed subscription:

Stopping STRATO

To stop a running instance of STRATO Developer Edition on your machine, run this command (from within the git cloned getting-started folder)

./ --stop

To stop and wipe out a running instance of STRATO Developer Edition on your machine, run this command (from within the git cloned getting-started folder)(you will lose state of any transactions/data created in the blockchain)

./ --wipe

Public STRATO instance

If you can't run your own STRATO instance on your machine, try our public instance (accessible to anyone with the credentials, so don't host Production or Production-like apps/content):

Ports used

STRATO services need the following ports to be available on the machine (refer docker-compose.yml for details):

:80, :443 (for Nginx)
:30303, :30303/UDP (for Strato P2P)

Debug view

First do:

sudo apt-get install -y tmux tmuxinator

then you can get an overview of all processes using:

tmuxinator start strato

For tmux usage refer to tmux guide.

Consider using the tmux mouse mode plugins for better experience.

Multinode Network (Public STRATO Testnet)

  • In early alpha, bootnode may go down and blockchain data wiped out during refreshes and upgrades
  • Use only for testing

You can now run your local STRATO node peering it to the main bootnode and experience a multinode blockchain test network.

Here's the command to start your local node to connect and sync with our bootnode:

BOOT_NODE_HOST= ./ --stable

Multinode Network (Local setup - 1 Bootnode and 2 Peers)

Recommended VM capacity: 4vcpu, 16G

  • In early alpha, blockchain data wiped out during refreshes and upgrades
  • Use only for testing

You can now run your local STRATO multi-node test network. Here's the command to start your local multi-node network:

BOOT_NODE_HOST=strato ./ -local

To wipe out and stop the local multinode network (volumes wiped so you'll lose state)

./ -local -wipe

Here's a quick screenshot of local multinode network dashboard with 2 peers: STRATO-local-multinode

License Agreement

See BlockApps’ Developer Edition Terms of Use


STRATO Trials and Getting Started guide






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