In this project, we're using Python3 and its data-mining modules for developing a machine learning model.
- string module for list of punctuation.
- csv module for reading data set.
- numpy and pandas for advance array manipulation.
- matplotlib to draw various plots.
- train_test_split to split the data into training and test data.
- accuracy_score to calculate accuracy of algorithms.
# import modules
import string
import csv
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
K-Nearest Neighbours (KNN) is a simple supervised learning algorithm that differs from traditional ones, like the Multinomial Naive Bayes algorithm. Unlike these, KNN doesn't have a separate training stage followed by a prediction stage. Instead, when dealing with a test data item, KNN compares its features with the features of every training data item in real time. The algorithm then selects the K nearest training data items, based on their feature similarity, and assigns the most frequent class among them to the test data item.
For instance, in email classification (spam or ham), KNN compares the word frequencies of each email. The algorithm uses the Euclidean distance to measure the similarity between two emails. The closer the distance, the more alike they are.
# The KNN Algorithm
def get_count(text):
wordCounts = dict()
for word in text.split():
if word in wordCounts:
wordCounts[word] += 1
wordCounts[word] = 1
return wordCounts
def euclidean_difference(test_WordCounts, training_WordCounts):
total = 0
for word in test_WordCounts:
if word in test_WordCounts and word in training_WordCounts:
total += (test_WordCounts[word] - training_WordCounts[word])**2
del training_WordCounts[word]
total += test_WordCounts[word]**2
for word in training_WordCounts:
total += training_WordCounts[word]**2
return total**0.5
def get_class(selected_Kvalues):
spam_count = 0
ham_count = 0
for value in selected_Kvalues:
if value[0] == "spam":
spam_count += 1
ham_count += 1
if spam_count > ham_count:
return "spam"
return "ham"
def knn_classifier(training_data, training_labels, test_data, K, tsize):
print("Running KNN Classifier...")
result = []
counter = 1
# word counts for training email
training_WordCounts = []
for training_text in training_data:
for test_text in test_data:
similarity = [] # List of euclidean distances
test_WordCounts = get_count(test_text) # word counts for test email
# Getting euclidean difference
for index in range(len(training_data)):
euclidean_diff =\
euclidean_difference(test_WordCounts, training_WordCounts[index])
similarity.append([training_labels[index], euclidean_diff])
# Sort list in ascending order based on euclidean difference
similarity = sorted(similarity, key = lambda i:i[1])
# Select K nearest neighbours
selected_Kvalues = []
for i in range(K):
# Predicting the class of email
return result
The E-mail data set obtained from "Turkish Spam V01 Data Set". It can be found at The data set contains 825 emails and consists of a single csv file.
# Loading the Data
print("Loading data...")
data = []
with open("trspam.csv", "r") as f:
reader = csv.reader(f)
for row in reader:
label = str(row[-1])
del row[-1]
text = str(row)
data.append([text, label])
del data[0]
del data[-1]
data = np.array(data)
# data count
Loading data...
Data pre-processing is a critical step in data analysis and machine learning as it helps to ensure that the data is accurate, consistent, and useful for further analysis. We will clean, transform, and organize the data.
punc holds a list of punctuation and symbols. sw holds a list of stopwords. Obtained from
For every record in data, for every item (symbol or punctuation) in punc, replace the item with an empty string, to delete the item from email text string.
And than, iterate over list of words, and if the word is not in stopwords list, set it to lowercase, and add the word to newText. newText will contain the email but empty of stopwords. newText is assigned back to record. After every record is preprocessed.
# Data Pre-Processing
print("Preprocessing data...")
punc = string.punctuation # Punctuation list
sw = pd.read_csv("stopwords-tr.txt", encoding='utf-8') # Stopwords list
for record in data:
# Remove common punctuation and symbols
for item in punc:
record[0] = record[0].replace(item, "")
# Split text to words
splittedWords = record[0].split()
newText = ""
# Lowercase all letters and remove stopwords
for word in splittedWords:
if word not in sw:
word = word.lower()
newText = newText + " " + word
record[0] = newText
Preprocessing data...
# Histogram By Word Count
for record in data:
word_count = len(record[0].split())
if record[1] == "ham":
plt.title("Histogram of ham E-mails' word counts")
plt.hist(count_ham_list, bins=40)
plt.title("Histogram of spam E-mails' word counts")
plt.hist(count_spam_list, bins=40)
# Calculate Word Frequency
for record in data:
words = record[0].split()
if record[1] == "ham":
for word in words:
if word in frequency_ham_word_list:
index = frequency_ham_word_list.index(word)
frequency_ham_count_list[index] += 1
for word in words:
if word in frequency_spam_word_list:
index = frequency_spam_word_list.index(word)
frequency_spam_count_list[index] += 1
# Simplify Word Frequency
index = len(frequency_ham_count_list) - 1
while(index > 0):
count = frequency_ham_count_list[index]
if count < 100 or count > 150:
index -= 1
index = len(frequency_spam_count_list) - 1
while(index > 0):
count = frequency_spam_count_list[index]
if count < 100 or count > 150:
index -= 1
# The most used words in ham E-Mails
plt.title("The most used words in ham E-mails")
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (20,3), frequency_ham_count_list)
['selamun', 'zaman', 'size', 'mi', 'bir', 'with', 'your', 'cevap', '3', 'live\x99', '2', 'bilgi', 'if', 'this', 'border3d0', 'table', 'br', 'spam', 'web', 'eposta']
# The most used words in spam E-Mails
plt.title("The most used words in spam E-mails")
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (20,3), frequency_spam_count_list)
/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/IPython/core/ UserWarning: Glyph 3 (�) missing from current font.
fig.canvas.print_figure(bytes_io, **kw)
['sayın', 'mezunları', 'memuru', 'kpss', 'kadro', 'yer', 'bölümü', 'sahip', 'bilgileri', 'genel', 'eğitim', 'insan', 'nitelik', 'memur', 'i̇dari', 'i̇i̇bf', 'kalite', 'k', 'h', 'teknikleri', 'yeni', 'kdv', 'firma', 'ie7in', '6', 'sirket', 'urun', 'musteri', 'icin', 'ed0ddtddmdd', 'ef0itim', 'siparife', 'egitim', 'satis', '10', 'and', 'the', 'for', 'egitimi', 'isletme', 'yonetim', 'a7', '\x03']
The model takes a K value. Next, it trains and tests .
# Determine Test Size
tsize = len(test_data)
# Declare K Value
K = 24
# Model Training
print("Model Training...")
result = knn_classifier(training_data, training_labels, test_data[:tsize], K, tsize)
Model Training...
Running KNN Classifier...
# Model Test
print("Model Testing...")
accuracy = accuracy_score(test_labels[:tsize], result)
Model Testing...
Present the model details and test results.
# Results
print("training data size\t: " + str(len(training_data)))
print("test data size\t\t: " + str(len(test_data)))
print("K value\t\t\t: " + str(K))
print("Samples tested\t\t: " + str(tsize))
print("% accuracy\t\t: " + str(accuracy * 100))
print("Number correct\t\t: " + str(int(accuracy * tsize)))
print("Number wrong\t\t: " + str(int((1 - accuracy) * tsize)))
training data size : 577
test data size : 248
K value : 24
Samples tested : 248
% accuracy : 42.74193548387097
Number correct : 106
Number wrong : 141