Git-todos is Command Line Interface (CLI) that helps to manage local To-Dos with ease. It aims to help you get things done rather than organizing them.
You can use Git-todos to add/remove To-Do items locally, import issues from remote repositories and to automate the generation of Git commits. Git-todos stores To-Dos list locally, and per-repository.
- 📖 Uses plain text file as storage
- 🙌 Developers friendly
- 🚀 Helps to get things done
Easily import issues from GitHub
- ✌️ Adds a little bit of encouragements
Interrested to learn more? Read the original blog post.
You can grab the latest binary from the releases page.
On Linux you can install or update to the latest released version with snap:
$ snap install git-todos
$ snap refresh git-todos
Note: Because snaps with strict confinement can't access the global
file, you may need to
per repository in order for git-todos to perform commits.Run these commands to resolve the issue:
$ git config --local "[email protected]" $ git config --local "Your Name"
On macOS you can install or upgrade to the latest released version with Homebrew:
$ brew tap ahmed-taj/git-todos
$ brew install git-todos
$ brew upgrade git-todos
Do you prefer another way to install? Let me know
The project provides a simple Command Line Interface (CLI). To use the tool simply
run git-todos
. If the tool binary is available in your system PATH
you may
also run it without the -
e.g: git todos <command>
, thanks to Git.
$ git-todos help
A Git based Todos App for Developers ⚡
git-todos [command]
Available Commands:
add Add a new Todo
finish Finish a Todo and commit staged changes
help Help about any command
import Import an issue from remote Provider (ie. GitHub) as Todo
list List available Todos
mark Mark a single Todo
remove Remove existing Todo
show Show Todo details
version Print the version number
-h, --help help for git-todos
Use "git-todos [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Give it a star(:star:) :point_up_2: and share it with your friends. Enjoy!
The project is released under the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE