Quickly mock an API with static json.
Koala takes an input dir containing json files and generates routes based on the directory structure.
For example:
GET /api/1/books -> ./json/books.json
GET /api/1/books/449 -> ./json/books/449.json
GET /api/1/balance -> ./json/balance.json
Usage: node server.js --dataDir <path> [--apiPath <path>] [--mediaDir <path>] [--port <port>]
--help Print this help message
--dataDir Path to the directory containing the JSON data files (default: ./json)
--apiPath Path to the API endpoint (default: /api/1)
--mediaDir Path to the directory containing media files (default: ./media)
--port Port to listen on (default: 3000)
Example: node server.js --dataDir ./json --apiPath /api/1 --mediaDir ./media --port 3000
curl http://localhost:3000/api/1/books
curl http://localhost:3000/api/1/books/449