AASRAA (means Helper) is a Crowdfunding Decentralized Autonomous Organization which is governed by the donors. Donors are incentivised with AASRAA tokens upon donations.AASRAA tokens are primarily used in voting process for the campaigns approval. Using a robust platform which is governed by the donors where a scammer can not just fill up the platforms with campaigns rather campaigns needs to be approved through a voting process. |
constructor(uint256 initialSupply): Initializes the contract by minting the initial supply of Aasraa tokens and assigning ownership to the deployer of the contract.
mint(address account, uint256 amount): Allows the owner of the contract to mint additional Aasraa tokens and assign them to a specified account.
requestCampaign: Enables users to request the creation of a new campaign by providing details such as title, description, deadline, target amount, and image URL. Each campaign is added to the platform and assigned a unique ID.
donateCampaign(uint _id): Allows users to donate Ether to a specified campaign. Donations are added to the campaign's total amount collected, and tokens equivalent to the donation amount are minted and assigned to the donor.
getCampaigns: Retrieves a list of all campaigns currently active on the platform, including their details.
getDonors(uint256 _id): Retrieves a list of donors and their respective donation amounts for a specified campaign.
castVote(uint campaignId, bool support): Allows donors to cast votes in favor of or against a campaign's approval. Each vote is weighted by the donor's token balance. If a campaign receives enough "yes" votes, it becomes approved for donations.