The Knot.x stack is Knot.x + Vert.x + common dependencies. That's the way you can obtain full instance of running Knot.x with all dependencies.
Structure of the stack is following
├── bin
│ └── knotx // shell script used to resolve and run knotx instance
├── conf // contains application and logger configuration files
│ ├── application.conf // defines all modules that Knot.x instance is running, provides configuration for Knot.x Core and global variables for other config files
│ ├── bootstrap.json // config retriever options, defines application configuration stores (e.g. points to `application.conf` - the main configuration)
│ ├── default-cluster.xml // basic configuration of Knot.x instance cluster
│ ├── includes // additional modules configuration which are included in `application.conf`
│ │ ├── actionKnot.conf
│ │ ├── hbsKnot.conf
│ │ ├── httpRepo.conf
│ │ ├── server.conf
│ │ ├── serviceAdapter.conf
│ │ └── serviceKnot.conf
│ └── logback.xml // logger configuration
├── knotx-stack.json // stack descriptor, defines instance libraries and dependencies
├── lib // contains instance libraries and dependencies, instance classpath
│ ├── list of project dependency libraries
│ ├── ...
Simply run mvn clean package
to build your version of Knot.x stack or simply use one from the
latest release. Knot.x stack artifact is a ZIP file
with the structure described above. To start playing with Knot.x stack unzip the archive.
From the root stack folder, execute:
bin/knotx run-knotx
to run the instance.
To resolve all the dependencies defined in the knotx-stack.json
execute from the root stack folder:
bin/knotx resolve
Enable TRACE level logging on your logback.xml
<logger name="knotx-stack-resolver" level="TRACE"/>
To build docker images, you need docker 1.3+ and run mvn clean install
It builds the 2 main images :
- knotx base - the base image provisionning the knotx appplication (
) - knotx base alpine - the base image based on Java alpine image (
Examples of docker image usages are in
The images can be pushed to Docker Hub. Before, be sure you are in the knotx organisation on docker hub ( Then, add your credentials into ~/.m2/settings.xml
Once done, in the knotx-docker
project just launch:
mvn docker:push
WARNING: This is going to take a while.....