GFN1-xTB single point energy calculator.
GFN1-xTB.jl is the tight-biniding quantum chemistry code.
More about the method:
This project is done as the part of Remote Computatinoal Project course of the EMTCCM Master 2023.
Author: Zarko Ivkovic, Univeristy of Barcelona, zivkoviv7 AT
December 2023
Recommended Julia: Stable release v1.9.3 or newer
To install, download the GFN1-xTB.jl
source with:
$ git clone
Now change into the GFN1-xTB.jl
directory with
$ cd GFN1-xTB.jl
To use GFN1-xTB.jl, you need to instantiate all dependencies with:
$ julia --project
julia> ]
(GFN1-xTB) pkg> instantiate
Alternatively, if you want to use this code from the main julia environment, you can download dependencies manually:
$ julia
julia> ]
(@v1.9) pkg> add ArgParse Memoization
If you decide to use this option, you don't have to type --project every time you want to run GFN1-xTB.jl
Tests are stored in the 'test' folder. To run the tests, use the following command from the main directory
$ julia --project test/runtests.jl