Another Stock Evaluation Module
Utility_Belt Designs, Tacoma, WA
@author: ZennDogg, with a lot of help for find_stock_correlation from outside sources
[email protected]
python 3.10
class StockSearchSupport: Contains support functions for class CorrelatedStockResearch.
Function List:
- get_info - Retrieves stock information from yfinance. Used by several functions
- get_dividend - Retrieves dividend information from yfinance. Used by several functions
- find_interval - Determines the interval between dividend payments (in months)
- interval_range - Transforms the return of find_interval into a single digit integer
- gather_all_stock_symbols - Finds stock symbols from the Dow, SP500, NASDAQ and others. Removes all duplicates
class CorrelatedStockResearch:
Ultimately, prunes 8500+ stock symbols down to 10 pairs of stocks with a high degree of non-correlation.
Corrolated stocks move together (same or opposite direction). Uncorrolated stocks move independently of
each other. Those stocks are then run through a recommendation algorithm and sorted by highest recommendation score.
All data storage is through MongoDb. I have isolated the MongoDb specific code using #.... at the start of the code
section and ##.... at the end. Replace these code blocks with your own data storage code if necessary.
The output of a function becomes the input for the following function. Notice that as the number of symbols decreases
as we progress through this class, the amount of data collected increases.
Function List:
- stocks_list_under(amount) - Retrieves a complete list of stocks under a dollar(float) amount from gather_all_stock_symbols
- find_stock_correlation - Generates a list of correlated stocks pairs from stocks_list_under(amount)
- correlated_stock_data - Retrieves info and dividend data for each individual stock in the correlated stock pair
- correlated_stock_history - Retrieves historical data for the stocks from correlated_stock_data
- recommend_algorithm_symbols - Recommendation algorithm for the stocks. Returns 3 or better on a scale: 1-6
- compare_recommended_symbols - Compares the stock symbols in the corr_pair with those from recommend_algorithm_symbols
- find_best_stock_pair - Uses the yearly dividend payout divided by total stock prices ratio to determine best value