mocha-cucumber is a UI module for mocha that allows you to describe your features using Given/When/Then!
You should first have mocha installed:
npm install -g mocha
Then install mocha-cucumber, either globally or inside your project:
npm install -g mocha-cucumber
Write your feature(s):
{expect} = require 'chai'
Feature 'Math', ->
Scenario 'Incrementing numbers', ->
Given 'A number that starts at 0', ->
@n = 0
When 'the number is incremented', ->
Then 'it becomes 1', ->
expect(@n).to.equal 1
Or if you prefer plan ole js:
var expect = require('chai').expect;
Feature('Math', function() {
Scenario('Incrementing numbers', function() {
Given('A number that starts at 0', function() {
this.n = 0;
When('the number is incremented', function() {
Then('it becomes 1', function() {
Then run mocha:
mocha --ui mocha-cucumber test/*
mocha-cucumber aliases Scenario
and Feature
as alieses to mocha's
exising describe
, and Given
as aliases to mocha's
BDD methods.
and it
still work as usual, so you can combine your cucumber features
with BDD specs and it will Just Work(tm).
Feel free to submit issues and/or PRs! In lieu of a formal style guide, please follow existing styles.