This is a dirty hack to use the minimal INDI ( driver for Kevin Ferrares Arduino based USB to ST-4 adapter ( Basically, I cut out the middle-man and used the Pine64 GPIO libraries instead of making USB serial calls to a slave microcontroller.
The Pine64 and the RaspberryPI have truckloads of GPIO, no need to complicate matters by incorporating another device/battery-muncher.
This is based on the GPUSB driver and as such under the GPL2. Also included is the Pine64 GPIO library. Please see the GPIO library source files for respective license.
- No way^H^H^Hneed to dynamically assign a tty
- No way to dynamically assign GPIO pins
- No Goto, just North, West, South, East
- Only works on Pine64 at the moment
- Add support for dynamic GPIO assignment
- Add support for Raspberry Pi
- Find out how to allow clients such as KStars to dynamically load this driver as it doesn't show up in the list currently
- GPIO pin assignments made in gpiost4driver.h
- Need to specify 4 pins total (RA+/- and DEC+/-)
cmake .
indiserver ./indi_gpiost4