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This role installs OpenVPN, configures it as a server, sets up networking (either iptables or firewalld), and can optionally create client certificates.

Tested OSes (TravisCI):

  • Fedora 28+
  • CentOS 7


Openvpn must be available as a package in yum/apt! For CentOS users, this role will run yum install epel-release to ensure openvpn is available.

Ubuntu precise has a weird bug that might make the iptables-persistent install fail. There is a workaround.

Role Variables

Variable Type Choices Default Comment
openvpn_base_dir string /etc/openvpn Path where your OpenVPN config will be stored
openvpn_ovpn_dir string /etc/openvpn Path where your client configurations will be stored
openvpn_key_dir string /etc/openvpn/keys Path where your server private keys and CA will be stored
openvpn_local string Local host name or IP address for bind. If specified, OpenVPN will bind to this address only. If unspecified, OpenVPN will bind to all interfaces.
openvpn_port int 1194 The port you want OpenVPN to run on. If you have different ports on different servers, I suggest you set the port in your inventory file.
openvpn_server_hostname string {{inventory_hostname}} The server name to place in the client configuration file (if different from the inventory_hostname
openvpn_proto string udp, tcp udp The protocol you want OpenVPN to use
openvpn_dualstack boolean true Whether or not to use a dualstack (IPv4 + v6) socket
openvpn_config_file string openvpn_{{ openvpn_proto }}_{{ openvpn_port }} The config file name you want to use
openvpn_rsa_bits int 2048 Number of bit used to protect generated certificates
openvpn_service_name string openvpn Name of the service. Used by systemctl to start the service
openvpn_uninstall boolean true , false false Set to true to uninstall the OpenVPN service
openvpn_use_pregenerated_dh_params boolean true , false false DH params are generted with the install by default
openvpn_use_hardened_tls boolean true , false true Require a minimum version of TLS 1.2
openvpn_use_modern_tls boolean true , false true Use modern Cipher for TLS encryption (Not recommended with OpenVPN 2.4)
openvpn_verify_cn boolean true , false false Check that the CN of the certificate match the FQDN
openvpn_redirect_gateway boolean true , false true OpenVPN gateway push
openvpn_set_dns boolean true , false true Will push DNS to the client (Cloudflare and Google)
openvpn_enable_management boolean true , false true
openvpn_management_bind string /var/run/openvpn/management unix The interface to bind on for the management interface. Can be unix or TCP socket.
openvpn_management_client_user string root Use this user when using a Unix socket for management interface.
openvpn_server_network string Private network used by OpenVPN service
openvpn_server_netmask string Netmask of the private network
tls_auth_required boolean true , false true Ask the client to push the generated ta.key of the server during the connection
firewalld_default_interface_zone string public Firewalld zone where the "ansible_default_ipv4.interface" will be pushed into
openvpn_server_ipv6_network boolean true , false false If set, the network address and prefix of an IPv6 network to assign to clients. If True, IPv4 still used too.
openvpn_ca_key dict Contain "crt" and "key". If not set, CA cert and key will be automatically generated on the target system.
openvpn_tls_auth_key string Single item with a pre-generated TLS authentication key.
openvpn_topology boolean true , false false the "topology" keyword will be set in the server config with the specified value.
openvpn_push list empty Set here a list of string that will be placed as "push "". E.g - route will generate push "route"
openvpn_use_ldap boolean true , false false Active LDAP backend for authentication. Client certificate not needed anymore
ldap dict Dictionary that contain LDAP configuration
manage_firewall_rules boolean true , false true Allow playbook to manage iptables
openvpn_crl_path string Define a path to the CRL file for revokations.
openvpn_use_crl boolean true , false Configure OpenVPN server to honor certificate revocation list.
clients list [] List of clients to add to OpenVPN
openvpn_sync_certs boolean true , false false Revoke certificates not explicitly defined in 'clients'
openvpn_revoke_these_certs list [] List of client certificates to revoke.
openvpn_client_register_dns boolean true , false true Add register-dns option to client config (Windows only).
openvpn_duplicate_cn boolean true , false false Add duplicate-cn option to server config - this allows clients to connect multiple times with the one key. NOTE: client ip addresses won't be static anymore!
openvpn_addl_server_options list empty List of user-defined server options that are not already present in the server template. (e.g. - ping-timer-rem)
openvpn_addl_client_options list empty List of user-defined client options that are not already present in the client template. (e.g. - mssfix 1400)
openvpn_status_version int 1, 2, 3 1 Define the formatting of the openvpn-status.log file where are listed current client connection
openvpn_resolv_retry int/string any int, infinite 5 Hostname resolv failure retry seconds. Set "infinite" to retry indefinitely in case of poor connection or laptop sleep mode recovery etc.
openvpn_client_to_client boolean true, false false Set to true if you want clients to access each other.
openvpn_masquerade_not_snat boolean true, false false Set to true if you want to set up MASQUERADE instead of the default SNAT in iptables.
openvpn_compression string lzo Set compress compression option. Empty for no compression.
openvpn_cipher string AES-256-CBC Set cipher option for server and client.
openvpn_auth_alg string SHA256 Set auth authentication algoritm.
openvpn_tun_mtu int Set tun-mtu value. Empty for default.
openvpn_log_dir string /var/log Set location of openvpn log files. This parameter is a part of log-append configuration value.
openvpn_log_file string openvpn.log Set log filename. This parameter is a part of log-append configuration value.
openvpn_logrotate_config string See defaults/main.yml Configure logrotate script.
openvpn_keepalive_ping int 5 Set keepalive ping interval seconds.
openvpn_keepalive_timeout int 30 Set keepalive timeout seconds
openvpn_service_user string nobody Set the openvpn service user.
openvpn_service_group string nogroup Set the openvpn service group.

LDAP object

Variable Type Choices Default Comment
url string ldap:// Address of you LDAP backend with syntax ldap[s]://host[:port]
anonymous_bind string False , True False This is not an Ansible boolean but a string that will be pushed into the configuration file,
bind_dn string uid=Manager,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com Bind DN used if "anonymous_bind" set to "False"
bind_password string mysecretpassword Password of the bind_dn user
tls_enable string yes , no no Force TLS encryption. Not necessary with ldaps addresses
tls_ca_cert_file string /etc/openvpn/auth/ca.pem Path to the CA ldap backend. This must must has been pushed before
tls_cert_file string Path to client authentication certificate
tls_key_file string Path to client authentication key
base_dn string ou=People,dc=example,dc=com Base DN where the backend will look for valid user
search_filter string (&(uid=%u)(accountStatus=active)) Filter the ldap search
require_group string False , True This is not an Ansible boolean but a string that will be pushed into the configuration file,
group_base_dn string ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com Precise the group to look for. Required if require_group is set to "True"
group_search_filter string ((cn=developers)(cn=artists)) Precise valid groups
verify_client_cert string none , optional , require client-cert-not-required In OpenVPN 2.4+ client-cert-not-required is deprecated. Use verify-client-cert instead.


Does not depend on any other roles

Example Playbook

- hosts: vpn
  gather_facts: true
    - {role: kyl191.openvpn, clients: [client1, client2],
                        openvpn_port: 4300}

Note: As the role will need to know the remote used platform (32 or 64 bits), you must set gather_facts to true in your play.



Author Information

Written by Kyle Lexmond


Ansible Playbook for OpenVPN on CentOS/Fedora/RHEL clones






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