A configable crawler for html document.
python 3
config.json (default provided)
pip install -r requirement.txt
python main.py config.json
The result will be ready as "sainsbury.json", you can control the filename in config.json
python test.py
This mehtod does not suit on any javascript clientside rendering website
- filename: control the output file name
- user_agent: the ua when requesting the site
- document_url: we are targeting sainsbury site, however it is also workable for other site.
- items_css_path: expecting a CSS selector for a list of product element
- lookup_properties: A list of things to lookup on the target site.
- there are 3 type of properties (text, link, sizeof).
- name: to specify the output key name in json
- multiple: if True, we will concat the value with \n for selected elements
- format: output format in json of this value
- css_path: selector under the items_css_path, could select more than 1
- nested_properties: only apply if type=link, if will follow the selected link href for next document
- reducers: do addition function for result set. Currently support sum, however it can be easily extend.