The board game Decrypto is awesome.
But when you are not in the same place, this little web version can help you play.
- People divided into 2 teams.
- People in at least 2+ locations (if 1 location, just buy/use the boardgame).
- Each location should have internet access and a screen.
The lobby will allow you to create a new game, or join an existing game.
- Lobby (lists available games)
- Active Games
- Game #1 "microfilm" (in progress)
- Game #2 "monopod" (waiting to start)
- Create new game
- Recent Games
- Game "turtleegg" ended 25 min ago, black team won
- Game "flapjack" ended 45 min ago, white team won
- You will join a game
- You will pick a team (white or black)
- You may assign a team name
- When ready, someone will start the game
- Must confirm (no going back)
- You will join a game
- You will pick a team (white or black)
- Must confirm (no going back)
- After the game starts, you will see your words
- You will be able
- When ready for your turn, click "start turn"
- Must confirm (no going back)
- .... ???? send text message to encryptor / tell others to turn around ????? ....
- Encryptor types in 3 clues, in order
- Must confirm ready
- Display clues
- Decryptors on opposing team guess order
- Decryptors on own team guess order
- Must confirm ready
- Results appear (interception?)
- Clues logged into appropriate slots (???animation???)
- When end conditions are met, the game is over
- Results are shown
- Play again? | Lobby