Chinese IME powered by RIME.
This is a STATIC website so you DON'T need to own a server to host it.
All computation is performed in browser, thanks to Web Assembly.
It's also a PWA, so you can install it like a native App and use it OFFLINE.
If you want to distribute your own IME, see customize.
If you want to deploy schemas dynamically (online, like how you deploy in Desktop/Mobile platforms), see deploy.
Download latest artifact built by GitHub Actions.
My RIME can be built on Linux.
You may use nvm to install node.
npm i -g pnpm
pnpm i
apt install libboost-dev \
libboost-filesystem-dev \
libboost-regex-dev \
libboost-system-dev \
libyaml-cpp-dev \
libleveldb-dev \
libmarisa-dev \
It's not recommended to clone recursively, as many boost libs are not needed.
pnpm run submodule
Uncommon characters are rendered using 遍黑体 and 花园明朝.
pnpm run font
pnpm run native
pnpm run schema
export ENABLE_LOGGING=ON # optional
pnpm run lib
pnpm run wasm
pnpm run dev
The app is accessible at http://localhost:5173
Optionally, go to http://localhost:5173/?debug=on or turn on Advanced
switch so that you can send raw key sequences to librime,
e.g. {Shift+Delete}
, {Release+a}
. This feature is better used when you set ENABLE_LOGGING=ON
in the previous step.
pnpm run lint:fix
pnpm run check
pnpm run build
pnpm run test
pnpm run preview
# publish IMEs
declare -a packages=(
... # targets output by pnpm run schema
for package in "${packages[@]}"; do
pushd public/ime/$package
npm publish
# set VERSION to avoid CDN and browser caching old version
export RIME_CDN=
vercel build --prod
npm publish
vercel deploy --prebuilt --prod
docker build \
--build-arg ENABLE_LOGGING=ON \
-t my-rime .
docker run --name my-rime -d my-rime
Let's say the IP address of the container is (got by docker inspect my-rime | grep IPAddress
), then My RIME is accessible at