This is the source code of Ruby China website.
- You need Ruby 1.9.2+, Rubygems and Rails 3.2+ first.
- Install and start Redis, MongoDB, memcached, Python, Pygments
and run:
cp config/config.yml.default config/config.yml
cp config/mongoid.yml.default config/mongoid.yml
cp config/redis.yml.default config/redis.yml
bundle install
rake assets:precompile
rake db:seed
thin start -O -C config/thin.yml
./script/resque start
bundle exec rake sunspot:solr:start
easy_install pygments # 或者 pip install pygments
rake db:migrate
or you can just this issue
rake test:init
to prepare all the config files and start essential services.
$ cap deploy
$ cap production remote_rake:invoke task=db:setup
Dalli requires memcached 1.4.x +
Forked from Homeland Project
Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Ruby China
Released under the MIT license: