KWatch is an open source, hackable smartwatch project. Currently, it's in early development phase. This repo contains only firmware. I'll create other one with hardware things (schematics, etc).
I study Computer Science at the Warsaw University of Technology, faculty of Electronics and Information Technology. This project is my Engineering Thesis, that I have to finish before February 2017.
In fact, the idea was born in March 2015. The prices of today's devices are too high for many people. I wanted to make smartwartch that will be affordable for everyone.
For now, essential parts for this project are:
- (~1,5 €) STM32F1-series MCU (I use cheap Chinese STM32F103C8T6TR mini dev board)
- (~4 €) RF-BM-S02 bluetooth low energy module
- (~3 €) SSD1306 I2C OLED LCD (But I'm waiting for SPI TFT 128x128 color LCD)
- (~4 €) battery (?)
- battery charging uC (?)
- few tact switches and other small electronic parts
- (free) circuit board (Polish instructions here)
- ST-LINK debugger and programmer (used only once for programming MCU, so you can borrow it from someone to cut the cost)
Because I'm not very experienced in embedded programming. Code can be a little bit messy, so every advice would be appreciated!
IDE used in this project is System Workbench for STM32. It contains all tools you need to compile firmware and program MCU.
On project's wiki. It's not filled for now but I'll put more information there as soon as I will be confident about structure of the project.