Thanks to these guys:
- Gary Bernhardt,
- Drew Neil,
- Tim Pope,
- and the Janus project.
My configuration uses Pathogen and git submodules. (But you don't need to care about any of that.)
Prerequisites: ruby, git.
- Move your existing configuration somewhere else:
mv ~/.vim* ~/.gvim* my_backup
- Clone this repo into ".vim":
git clone ~/.vim
- Go into ".vim" and run "rake":
cd ~/.vim && rake
This will install "/.vimrc" and "/.gvimrc" symlinks that point to
files inside the ".vim" directory.
- 2 spaces, no tabs
- incremental, case-insensitive search
- remove highlighting after search<C-j/k/h/l>
- switch between splits (no need to prepend<C-w>
)- cursor keys for movement are disabled!
- format lines,,
alternates between two most recent buffers,f
- jump to file:,F
- search in directory of current buffer,gl
- inlib/
- inapp/models
- inapp/views
- inapp/controllers
- search for merge conflicts in buffer:KillWhitespace
- strip trailing whitespace
:Ack -w foo_bar --no-js --no-css
- search, but don't jump to first match:AckFromSearch
- append to existing quickfix list
- change string from double to single quotesds(
- delete surrounding parenthesesysiW]
- surround current WORD with square bracketsysst
- surround current line in a HTML tagysip<c-t>
- nest current paragraph in a HTML tag
Visual mode: S
. Insert mode: <c-s>
Surround + rails.vim:
→<% -%>
→<%= %>
→<%# %>
- nest block and appendend
- likee
, but prompt for text to prepend before block
- comment/uncomment lines that {motion} moves over\\\
- comment/uncomment [count] lines{Visual}\\
- comment/uncomment the highlighted lines\\u
- uncomment the current and adjacent commented lines
- next / previous method]M
- end of method definition]]
- next / previous class/module][
- end of class/module
Text objects:
- a methodim
- inner methodaM
- a classiM
- inner class
alternates between matching HTML tags, class/control flow statements and
matching end
in Ruby, and more. Also works in visual mode.
In visual mode:
:Tabularize assignment
:Tabularize argument_list
:Tabularize /=>
- jump between lines that represent files with
- add/reset file (visual mode too)<Enter>
- open current file in the window belowp
- rungit add --patch
for current fileC
- invoke:Gcommit
- jump between lines that represent files with
:[range]Gbrowse! -
- copy GitHub URL for code that's currently selected -
:Gedit feature:%
- version of the current file in the "feature" branch -
-add %
-checkout %
-rm %
:Gmove <dest>
-mv % <dest>
Quickly open vim runtime files:
:Vsp s/pd<Tab>