This program is a simulator for Little Computer3.
This computer has 8 general-purpose registers in the central processing unit and 4 special-purpose registers such as PC, IR, MAR, MDR and a common code and data memory (Von Neumann) with dimensions of 64K*16.
You can see the LC3 computer architecture in the help section:
During the execution of the program, you can see the change of content of registers and memory houses.
This program has the ability to detect some syntax errors in the assembly code. If there is an error after pressing the assemble button, first correct the error and click the assemble button again.
How to execute our program?
1. place your code in editor.
2. click on Assemble button.
3. for every instruction, click on fetch button then decode button then execute button.
NOTE: you should keep the order of clicking on buttons otherwise it wont work properly.
When your program has finished running, you will see the following message: