A Cordova plugin that lets you use LinkedIn Native SDKs for Android and iOS.
- Create a LinkedIn app here
- Click on your app's name, then select the Mobile page from the side menu
- Add package name and hash for Android
- Copy the Application Id in the iOS section and use it in the installation command below
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-linkedin --variable APP_ID=YOUR_APP_ID
login(scopes, promptToInstall, success, error)
- scopes: Scopes to authenticate with
- promptToInstall: If set to true, the user will be prompted to install the LinkedIn app if it's not already installed
Logs the user in with selected scopes. Available scopes are:
A synchronous method that clears the existing session.
getRequest(path, success, error)
- path: The request path Makes a GET request to LinkedIn REST API. You can view the possible paths here.
postRequest(path, body, success, error)
- path: The request path
- body: The reqeust body Makes a POST request to LinkedIn REST API. You can view the possible paths here.
openProfile(memberId, success, error)
- memberId: Member Id of the user Opens a member's profile in the LinkedIn app.
hasActiveSession(success, error)
Checks if there is already an existing active session. This should be used to avoid unecessary login.
The success callback function will be called with one argument as a boolean, indicating whether there is an active session.
// generic callback functions to make this example simpler
var onError = function(e) { console.error('LinkedIn Error: ', e); }
var onSuccesss = function(r) { console.log('LinkedIn Response: ', r); }
// logging in with all scopes
// you should just ask for what you need
var scopes = ['r_basicprofile', 'r_emailaddress', 'rw_company_admin', 'w_share'];
// login before doing anything
// this is needed, unless if we just logged in recently
cordova.plugins.LinkedIn.login(scopes, true, function() {
// get connections
cordova.plugins.LinkedIn.getRequest('people/~', onSuccess, onError);
// share something on profile
// see more info at https://developer.linkedin.com/docs/share-on-linkedin
var payload = {
comment: 'Hello world!',
visibility: {
code: 'anyone'
cordova.plugins.LinkedIn.postRequest('~/shares', payload, onSuccess, onError);
}, onError);
// check for existing session
cordova.plugin.LinkedIn.hasActiveSession(function(exists) {
if (exists) {
console.log('We have an active session');
} else {
console.log('There is no active session, we need to call the login method');