The repository for the uncompleted game built for a pirate-based battle royale game.
Master Network Server
- Every player in a region (NA, SA, EU, AU, etc) connect to this server
- This server contains logic for
- Matchmaking
- Online status updater
- Party invites
- Party forwarding
- It contains a list of every in-game server and their status (In-Game, Out-of-game, Needs players)
Party Server (Self-written socket based server)
- All party servers are connected to the master network server and vice versa, and are based on that particular region
- Every player is in a party at all times
- Party servers contain arrays of parties which contain the party's data (Users connected, text chat, voice chat, and play mode)
- A party server can have up to x parties before a new server is required. (Ideally new servers would be added or removed depending on our network load)
In-Game Server (UNET)
- Handles logic for in-game and is ran by an authoritative server in a specific network's region.
Playfab backend
- Contains backend data for user information
- Handles friends lists