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A league chain based on chain33 for token

linj edited this page Nov 23, 2022 · 1 revision


This section mainly describes how to build a league chain based on chain33 and implement data verification, token issuance, transfer and other capabilities on the chain.

1.Deploy Chain33 League Chain

Refer to the instructions in the following link: League chain deployment:

2.System Configuration for Token

After finishing the previous step, use the chain33-cli command-line tool operation on the parallel chain node. Since the following operations only need to be performed once after the chain is deployed, so here the command line is used to demonstrate them.

Before issuing tokens, the following two steps are required:

2.1 Configure the Super Administrator for this Chain

The role of the super administrator is to add system configuration, such as the following token-blacklist and token-finisher configuration. In chain33.toml, modify the following two configurations to change the addresses to the ones you want to set. (create your own address and keep the private key yourself is best; if you do not want to change it, we provide the private key corresponding to the following address: 3990969DF92A5914F7B71EEB9A4E58D6E255F32BF042FEA5318FC8B3D50EE6E8 )。


tokenApprs = [

2.2 Configure Token-Finisher and Token-Blacklist

Token-finisher: the reviewer address of the token, is used to review the information (name, amount) of the token after the token is pre-created. Token-blacklist:token blacklist, indicating which names cannot be created on the chain, such as BTC,ETH, and so on.

#configure token-finisher, -c:fixed fill with“token-finisher”,-o:add(represent adding), -v:token-finisher address, --paraName: correspond to the name of the parallel chain
./chain33-cli.exe --paraName "user.p.developer." config config_tx -c token-finisher -o add -v 1CbEVT9RnM5oZhWMj4fxUrJX94VtRotzvs
#signiture transaction, -k: private key of the blockchain super administrator 
./chain33-cli.exe  wallet sign -k 3990969DF92A5914F7B71EEB9A4E58D6E255F32BF042FEA5318FC8B3D50EE6E8 -d [data generated in the previous step]
#send transactions
./chain33-cli.exe  wallet send -d [data generated after signiture in the previous step]

#query results
./chain33-cli.exe  --paraName "user.p.developer." config query_config -k token-finisher

#configure token-blacklist, -c: fixed fill with“token-blacklist ”,-o  add(represent adding),-v Black list names, like BTY here
./chain33-cli.exe --paraName "user.p.developer."  config config_tx -c token-blacklist -o add -v BTY
./chain33-cli.exe wallet sign -k 3990969DF92A5914F7B71EEB9A4E58D6E255F32BF042FEA5318FC8B3D50EE6E8 -d [data generated in the previous step]
./chain33-cli.exe  wallet send -d [data generated after signiture in the previous step]

#query results
./chain33-cli.exe --paraName "user.p.developer." config query_config -k token-blacklist 

#token pre-create
./chain33-cli token precreate -f 0.001 -i Devcoin -n "DEVELOP COINS" -a "token receiver, it can be yourself or someone else" -p 0 -s "COINSDEVX" -t 19900000000
./chain33-cli wallet sign -k 3990969DF92A5914F7B71EEB9A4E58D6E255F32BF042FEA5318FC8B3D50EE6E8 -d [data generated in the previous step]
./chain33-cli wallet send -d [data generated after signiture in the previous step]

#Query, only when this step is completed can you enter the following process
./chain33-cli token get_precreated

#token finish 
./chain33-cli token finish -s COINSDEVX -f 0.001 -a [token receiver address]
./chain33-cli wallet sign -k 3990969DF92A5914F7B71EEB9A4E58D6E255F32BF042FEA5318FC8B3D50EE6E8 -d [data generated in the previous step]
./chain33-cli wallet send -d [data generated after signiture in the previous step]

./chain33-cli token get_finish_created

#Query based on address
./chain33-cli token token_balance -a [token receiver address]  -s COINSDEVX -e token

Note that only after token-finisher and token-blacklist are configured successfully can you proceed to the next process of issuing token.

3. Using JAVA-SDK

JAVA-SDK is used to realize data stored on chain and token distribution function. The usage of private chain/league chain/public chain/parallel chain is different, only the usage of public chain/parallel chain is introduced here.

3.1 Store on Chain

Invoke TransactionUtil.createTx()

Parameter description:

Parameter Type Description
privateKey string signer's private key
execer string called contract name: user.write
payLoad string content stored on chain, in json format
fee long commission charges, private chain/league chain is 0

3.2 Token Pre-Creation

Invoke RpcClient.createRawTokenPreCreateTx()

Parameter description:

Parameter Type Description
name string annotation name for token
symbol string token name, only capital letters are supported, and the same symbol is not allowed for the same chain
introduction string token introduction
ownerAddr string token owner, storage address after token generated
total long token amount, say 500, the system supports a maximum of $90 billion
price long token issuing cost, just fill with 0
fee long commission charges, private chain/league chain is 0

3.3 Token Accomplished

Invoke RpcClient.createRawTokenFinishTx()

Parameter description:

Parameter Type Description
fee long commission charges, private chain/league chain is 0
symbol string token name, only capital letters are supported, and the same symbol is not allowed for the same chain
ownerAddr string token owner, storage address after token generated

Detailed implementation can be referred to the following link: Use example: JAVA-SDK Use Example

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