You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 259
var rootCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "chain33-cli",
Short: "chain33 client tools",
rootCmd涉及cobra.Command结构体中的两个元素:commands 和flags
type Command struct {
// commands is the list of commands supported by this program.
commands []*Command
// flags is full set of flags.
flags *flag.FlagSet
- commands:表示要执行的动作或指令,而每一个指令又可以包含子命令。
- flags: 指令可以执行的动作或者过滤条件
// AddCommand adds one or more commands to this parent command.
func (c *Command) AddCommand(cmds ...*Command) {
for i, x := range cmds {
c.commands = append(c.commands, x)
flags 通过AddFlag设置:
// AddFlag will add the flag to the FlagSet
func (f *FlagSet) AddFlag(flag *Flag) {
func (c *Command) MarkFlagRequired(name string) error {
return MarkFlagRequired(c.Flags(), name)
type RpcCtx struct {
Addr string // 对端rpc地址
Method string // 调用函数
Params interface{} // 入参
Res interface{} // 响应
cb Callback // 回调函数
func NewRpcCtx(laddr, method string, params, res interface{}) *RpcCtx {
return &RpcCtx{
Addr: laddr,
Method: method,
Params: params,
Res: res,
func (c *RpcCtx) Run() {
result, err := c.RunResult()
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
data, err := json.MarshalIndent(result, "", " ")
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
type QueueProtocolAPI interface {
Version() (*types.Reply, error)
NewMessage(topic string, msgid int64, data interface{}) queue.Message
Notify(topic string, ty int64, data interface{}) (queue.Message, error)
// +++++++++++++++ mempool interfaces begin
// 同步发送交易信息到指定模块,获取应答消息 types.EventTx
SendTx(param *types.Transaction) (*types.Reply, error)
// types.EventTxList
GetTxList(param *types.TxHashList) (*types.ReplyTxList, error)
// types.EventGetMempool
GetMempool() (*types.ReplyTxList, error)
// types.EventGetLastMempool
GetLastMempool() (*types.ReplyTxList, error)
// types.EventQuery
Query(param *types.Query) (*types.Message, error)
// --------------- mempool interfaces end
// +++++++++++++++ execs interfaces begin
// types.EventBlockChainQuery
BlockChainQuery(param *types.BlockChainQuery) (*types.ResUTXOGlobalIndex, error)
// --------------- execs interfaces end
// +++++++++++++++ p2p interfaces begin
// types.EventPeerInfo
PeerInfo() (*types.PeerList, error)
// types.EventGetNetInfo
GetNetInfo() (*types.NodeNetInfo, error)
// --------------- p2p interfaces end
// +++++++++++++++ consensus interfaces begin
// types.EventGetTicketCount
GetTicketCount() (*types.Int64, error)
// --------------- consensus interfaces end
// +++++++++++++++ wallet interfaces begin
// types.EventLocalGet
LocalGet(param *types.LocalDBGet) (*types.LocalReplyValue, error)
// types.EventLocalList
LocalList(param *types.LocalDBList) (*types.LocalReplyValue, error)
// types.EventWalletGetAccountList
WalletGetAccountList(req *types.ReqAccountList) (*types.WalletAccounts, error)
// types.EventNewAccount
NewAccount(param *types.ReqNewAccount) (*types.WalletAccount, error)
// types.EventWalletTransactionList
WalletTransactionList(param *types.ReqWalletTransactionList) (*types.WalletTxDetails, error)
// types.EventWalletImportprivkey
WalletImportprivkey(param *types.ReqWalletImportPrivKey) (*types.WalletAccount, error)
// types.EventWalletSendToAddress
WalletSendToAddress(param *types.ReqWalletSendToAddress) (*types.ReplyHash, error)
// types.EventWalletSetFee
WalletSetFee(param *types.ReqWalletSetFee) (*types.Reply, error)
// types.EventWalletSetLabel
WalletSetLabel(param *types.ReqWalletSetLabel) (*types.WalletAccount, error)
// types.EventWalletMergeBalance
WalletMergeBalance(param *types.ReqWalletMergeBalance) (*types.ReplyHashes, error)
// types.EventWalletSetPasswd
WalletSetPasswd(param *types.ReqWalletSetPasswd) (*types.Reply, error)
// types.EventWalletLock
WalletLock() (*types.Reply, error)
// types.EventWalletUnLock
WalletUnLock(param *types.WalletUnLock) (*types.Reply, error)
// types.EventGenSeed
GenSeed(param *types.GenSeedLang) (*types.ReplySeed, error)
// types.EventSaveSeed
SaveSeed(param *types.SaveSeedByPw) (*types.Reply, error)
// types.EventGetSeed
GetSeed(param *types.GetSeedByPw) (*types.ReplySeed, error)
// types.EventGetWalletStatus
GetWalletStatus() (*types.WalletStatus, error)
// types.EventWalletAutoMiner
WalletAutoMiner(param *types.MinerFlag) (*types.Reply, error)
// types.EventDumpPrivkey
DumpPrivkey(param *types.ReqStr) (*types.ReplyStr, error)
// types.EventCloseTickets
CloseTickets() (*types.ReplyHashes, error)
// types.EventSignRawTx
SignRawTx(param *types.ReqSignRawTx) (*types.ReplySignRawTx, error)
GetFatalFailure() (*types.Int32, error)
// Privacy Begin
// types.EventShowPrivacyAccountSpend
ShowPrivacyAccountSpend(param *types.ReqPrivBal4AddrToken) (*types.UTXOHaveTxHashs, error)
// types.EventShowPrivacyPK
ShowPrivacyKey(param *types.ReqStr) (*types.ReplyPrivacyPkPair, error)
// types.EventPublic2privacy
Publick2Privacy(param *types.ReqPub2Pri) (*types.Reply, error)
// types.EventPrivacy2privacy
Privacy2Privacy(param *types.ReqPri2Pri) (*types.Reply, error)
// types.EventPrivacy2public
Privacy2Public(param *types.ReqPri2Pub) (*types.Reply, error)
// types.EventCreateUTXOs
CreateUTXOs(param *types.ReqCreateUTXOs) (*types.Reply, error)
// types.EventCreateTransaction 由服务器协助创建一个交易
CreateTrasaction(param *types.ReqCreateTransaction) (*types.Transaction, error)
// types.EventPrivacyAccountInfo
ShowPrivacyAccountInfo(param *types.ReqPPrivacyAccount) (*types.ReplyPrivacyAccount, error)
// types.EventPrivacyTransactionList
PrivacyTransactionList(param *types.ReqPrivacyTransactionList) (*types.WalletTxDetails, error)
// types.EventRescanUtxos
RescanUtxos(param *types.ReqRescanUtxos) (*types.RepRescanUtxos, error)
// types.EventEnablePrivacy
EnablePrivacy(param *types.ReqEnablePrivacy) (*types.RepEnablePrivacy, error)
// Privacy End
// --------------- wallet interfaces end
// +++++++++++++++ blockchain interfaces begin
// types.EventGetBlocks
GetBlocks(param *types.ReqBlocks) (*types.BlockDetails, error)
// types.EventQueryTx
QueryTx(param *types.ReqHash) (*types.TransactionDetail, error)
// types.EventGetTransactionByAddr
GetTransactionByAddr(param *types.ReqAddr) (*types.ReplyTxInfos, error)
// types.EventGetTransactionByHash
GetTransactionByHash(param *types.ReqHashes) (*types.TransactionDetails, error)
// types.EventGetHeaders
GetHeaders(param *types.ReqBlocks) (*types.Headers, error)
// types.EventGetBlockOverview
GetBlockOverview(param *types.ReqHash) (*types.BlockOverview, error)
// types.EventGetAddrOverview
GetAddrOverview(param *types.ReqAddr) (*types.AddrOverview, error)
// types.EventGetBlockHash
GetBlockHash(param *types.ReqInt) (*types.ReplyHash, error)
// types.EventIsSync
IsSync() (*types.Reply, error)
// types.EventIsNtpClockSync
IsNtpClockSync() (*types.Reply, error)
// types.EventGetLastHeader
GetLastHeader() (*types.Header, error)
GetLastBlockSequence() (*types.Int64, error)
GetBlockSequences(param *types.ReqBlocks) (*types.BlockSequences, error)
GetBlockByHashes(param *types.ReqHashes) (*types.BlockDetails, error)
// --------------- blockchain interfaces end
// +++++++++++++++ store interfaces begin
StoreGet(*types.StoreGet) (*types.StoreReplyValue, error)
StoreGetTotalCoins(*types.IterateRangeByStateHash) (*types.ReplyGetTotalCoins, error)
// --------------- store interfaces end
// +++++++++++++++ other interfaces begin
// close chain33
CloseQueue() (*types.Reply, error)
// --------------- other interfaces end
func New(client queue.Client, option *QueueProtocolOption) (QueueProtocolAPI, error) {
if client == nil {
return nil, types.ErrInvalidParam
q := &QueueProtocol{}
q.client = client
if option != nil {
q.option = *option
} else {
q.option.SendTimeout = 600 * time.Second
q.option.WaitTimeout = 600 * time.Second
return q, nil
func (q *QueueProtocol) query(topic string, ty int64, data interface{}) (queue.Message, error) {
client := q.client
msg := client.NewMessage(topic, ty, data)
err := client.SendTimeout(msg, true, q.option.SendTimeout)
if err != nil {
return queue.Message{}, err
return client.WaitTimeout(msg, q.option.WaitTimeout)
const (
mempoolKey = "mempool" // 未打包交易池
p2pKey = "p2p" //
consensusKey = "consensus" // 共识系统
executorKey = "execs" // 交易执行器
walletKey = "wallet" // 钱包
blockchainKey = "blockchain" // 区块
storeKey = "store"
// event
const (
EventTx = 1
EventGetBlocks = 2
EventBlocks = 3
EventGetBlockHeight = 4
EventReplyBlockHeight = 5
EventQueryTx = 6
EventTransactionDetail = 7
EventReply = 8
EventTxBroadcast = 9
EventPeerInfo = 10
EventTxList = 11
EventReplyTxList = 12
EventAddBlock = 13
EventBlockBroadcast = 14
EventFetchBlocks = 15
EventAddBlocks = 16
EventTxHashList = 17
EventTxHashListReply = 18
EventGetHeaders = 19
EventHeaders = 20
EventGetMempoolSize = 21
EventMempoolSize = 22
EventStoreGet = 23
EventStoreSet = 24
EventStoreGetReply = 25
EventStoreSetReply = 26
EventReceipts = 27
EventExecTxList = 28
EventPeerList = 29
EventGetLastHeader = 30
EventHeader = 31
EventAddBlockDetail = 32
EventGetMempool = 33
EventGetTransactionByAddr = 34
EventGetTransactionByHash = 35
EventReplyTxInfo = 36
//wallet event
EventWalletGetAccountList = 37
EventWalletAccountList = 38
EventNewAccount = 39
EventWalletAccount = 40
EventWalletTransactionList = 41
//EventReplyTxList = 42
EventWalletImportprivkey = 43
EventWalletSendToAddress = 44
EventWalletSetFee = 45
EventWalletSetLabel = 46
//EventWalletAccount = 47
EventStoreDel = 47
EventWalletMergeBalance = 48
EventReplyHashes = 49
EventWalletSetPasswd = 50
EventWalletLock = 51
EventWalletUnLock = 52
EventTransactionDetails = 53
EventBroadcastAddBlock = 54
EventGetBlockOverview = 55
EventGetAddrOverview = 56
EventReplyBlockOverview = 57
EventReplyAddrOverview = 58
EventGetBlockHash = 59
EventBlockHash = 60
EventGetLastMempool = 61
EventWalletGetTickets = 62
EventMinerStart = 63
EventMinerStop = 64
EventWalletTickets = 65
EventStoreMemSet = 66
EventStoreRollback = 67
EventStoreCommit = 68
EventCheckBlock = 69
EventGenSeed = 70
EventReplyGenSeed = 71
EventSaveSeed = 72
EventGetSeed = 73
EventReplyGetSeed = 74
EventDelBlock = 75
//local store
EventLocalGet = 76
EventLocalReplyValue = 77
EventLocalList = 78
EventLocalSet = 79
EventGetWalletStatus = 80
EventCheckTx = 81
EventReceiptCheckTx = 82
EventQuery = 83
EventReplyQuery = 84
EventFlushTicket = 85
EventFetchBlockHeaders = 86
EventAddBlockHeaders = 87
EventWalletAutoMiner = 88
EventReplyWalletStatus = 89
EventGetLastBlock = 90
EventBlock = 91
EventGetTicketCount = 92
EventReplyGetTicketCount = 93
EventDumpPrivkey = 94
EventReplyPrivkey = 95
EventIsSync = 96
EventReplyIsSync = 97
EventCloseTickets = 98
EventGetAddrTxs = 99
EventReplyAddrTxs = 100
EventIsNtpClockSync = 101
EventReplyIsNtpClockSync = 102
EventDelTxList = 103
EventStoreGetTotalCoins = 104
EventGetTotalCoinsReply = 105
EventQueryTotalFee = 106
EventSignRawTx = 107
EventReplySignRawTx = 108
EventSyncBlock = 109
EventGetNetInfo = 110
EventReplyNetInfo = 111
EventErrToFront = 112
EventFatalFailure = 113
EventReplyFatalFailure = 114
EventBindMiner = 115
EventReplyBindMiner = 116
EventDecodeRawTx = 117
EventReplyDecodeRawTx = 118
EventGetLastBlockSequence = 119
EventReplyLastBlockSequence = 120
EventGetBlockSequences = 121
EventReplyBlockSequences = 122
EventGetBlockByHashes = 123
EventReplyBlockDetailsBySeqs = 124
EventDelParaChainBlockDetail = 125
EventAddParaChainBlockDetail = 126
EventGetSeqByHash = 127
EventLocalPrefixCount = 128
// Token
EventBlockChainQuery = 212
EventTokenPreCreate = 200
EventReplyTokenPreCreate = 201
EventTokenFinishCreate = 202
EventReplyTokenFinishCreate = 203
EventTokenRevokeCreate = 204
EventReplyTokenRevokeCreate = 205
EventSellToken = 206
EventReplySellToken = 207
EventBuyToken = 208
EventReplyBuyToken = 209
EventRevokeSellToken = 210
EventReplyRevokeSellToken = 211
// config
EventModifyConfig = 300
EventReplyModifyConfig = 301
// privacy
EventPublic2privacy = iota + 400
// monitor
EventAddMonitorMetric = iota + 500
Account management
chain33-cli account [command]
Available Commands:
balance Get balance of a account address
create Create a new account with label
dump_key Dump private key for account address
import_key Import private key with label
list Get account list
set_label Set label for account address
cli account balance -a "查询地址" -e "执行器地址"
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./chain33-cli account balance -a 14KEKbYtKKQm4wMthSK9J4La4nAiidGozt
"addr": "14KEKbYtKKQm4wMthSK9J4La4nAiidGozt",
"execAccount": [
"execer": "coins",
"account": {
"balance": "100000000.0000",
"frozen": "0.0000"
cli account create -l "自定义地址标签"
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./chain33-cli account create -l test
"acc": {
"balance": "0.0000",
"frozen": "0.0000",
"addr": "1RackwdGHK5CzdP8oytmRvdb5EGQP3YUX"
"label": "test"
cli account dump_key -a "需要导出的账户地址"
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./chain33-cli account dump_key -a 1RackwdGHK5CzdP8oytmRvdb5EGQP3YUX
"replystr": "0x1a8ba8d001fe0a11b02622297ab599f7a1c1116e272ad759d602c7ba708c55d4"
cli account import_key -k "外部私钥" -l "地址标签"
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./chain33-cli account import_key -k "0xa830cd3b4b4b236153c9b67bc161076f0e43eb002fec71e283c0ee0d1f644623" -l test
"acc": {
"balance": "0.0000",
"frozen": "0.0000",
"addr": "183BMp5Qcjx52e5yGERGs97DPCioChW7gj"
"label": "test"
cli account list
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./chain33-cli account list
"wallets": [
"acc": {
"balance": "0.0000",
"frozen": "0.0000",
"addr": "16mMKG3h8yGJxUji6pUQGQWDd29jHA6e2Q"
"label": "node award"
"acc": {
"balance": "0.0000",
"frozen": "0.0000",
"addr": "183BMp5Qcjx52e5yGERGs97DPCioChW7gj"
"label": "test"
cli account set_label -a "账户地址" -l "地址表签名"
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./chain33-cli account set_label -a 183BMp5Qcjx52e5yGERGs97DPCioChW7gj -l test1
"acc": {
"balance": "0.0000",
"frozen": "0.0000",
"addr": "183BMp5Qcjx52e5yGERGs97DPCioChW7gj"
"label": "test1"
Get block header or body info
chain33-cli block [command]
Available Commands:
get Get blocks between [start, end]
hash Get hash of block at height
headers Get block headers between [start, end]
last_header View last block header
last_sequence View last block sequence
query_hashs Query block by hashs
sequences Get block sequences between [start, end]
view View block info by block hash
cli block get -s "起始查询高度" -e "结束查询高度" -d "是否选择显示详情"(可选)
chain33-cli block get [flags]
-d, --detail string whether print block detail info (0/f/false for No; 1/t/true for Yes) (default "f")
-e, --end int block end height
-h, --help help for get
-s, --start int block start height
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./chain33-cli block get -s 5765 -e 5765
"items": [
"block": {
"version": 0,
"parenthash": "0x5153191bb51dacb01311f6ef15726fed82f84b756603fbf0d49a473562e45672",
"txhash": "0x22849a81d554b4f914d7d65c1080d8cc98e5d1de0fd2be4f0db34b439c6a0173",
"statehash": "0x0352bdf0ddb0d51d3e68aa75d402a880c4d877683c2a6393971ca80462af8efd",
"height": 5765,
"blocktime": 1541135879,
"txs": [
"execer": "norm",
"payload": {
"rawlog": "0x28010a7c0a1445565641784b61484d797a7175586e494856424f1264774f4a7457625a4846464b5a6e67766a756b6d665179784558526c4f56536b75626659446c736a6951434166695a44424e65506150657841644b42667a5559514548684f6349594b5a576f48447a68726156795a6f73786b44424844734c504458656765"
"rawpayload": "0x28010a7c0a1445565641784b61484d797a7175586e494856424f1264774f4a7457625a4846464b5a6e67766a756b6d665179784558526c4f56536b75626659446c736a6951434166695a44424e65506150657841644b42667a5559514548684f6349594b5a576f48447a68726156795a6f73786b44424844734c504458656765",
"signature": {
"ty": 1,
"pubkey": "0x03fe25b1a4261c4b98ad1b81307c7b20b776be6c503b95afb5d73ca9d42daecd7a",
"signature": "0x3044022078d751b8e1d0daeb0aa0eb264ce7b54e1320c7017953a397f38d8cb6c920b93902200267edab907706fa2cbb4bb8606e8677135ee7be5fb820c66ae0004056c2cca8"
"fee": "0.0100",
"expire": 0,
"nonce": 6935173039743788574,
"to": "1CnmrBJcpTiY6TphmuAiz7HoYSsGwgYgho",
"from": "1FbZaK5HJRwDaN2sQ5oRoUwi7fHJA1QJT1"
"receipts": null
cli block hash -t {区块高度}
chain33-cli block hash [flags]
-t, --height int block height
-h, --help help for hash
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./chain33-cli block hash -t 10
"hash": "0x09055102ecb36033adde0fc9c0d523500c1d81693e7ad12181cfc2497b407da9"
cli block headers -s 起始查询高度 -e 结束查询高度
chain33-cli block headers [flags]
-d, --detail string whether print header detail info (0/f/false for No; 1/t/true for Yes) (default "f")
-e, --end int block end height
-h, --help help for headers
-s, --start int block start height
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./chain33-cli block headers -s 5765 -e 5765
"items": [
"version": 0,
"parentHash": "0x5153191bb51dacb01311f6ef15726fed82f84b756603fbf0d49a473562e45672",
"txHash": "0x22849a81d554b4f914d7d65c1080d8cc98e5d1de0fd2be4f0db34b439c6a0173",
"stateHash": "0x0352bdf0ddb0d51d3e68aa75d402a880c4d877683c2a6393971ca80462af8efd",
"height": 5765,
"blockTime": 1541135879,
"txCount": 1,
"hash": "0xeab471cf4957253ac991bc56744ef7ae9a6b249236e97db2c5c4d998d3e787f2",
"difficulty": 0
※ cli命令中有-d的可选参数项,但无实际作用。可省略。
cli block last_header
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./chain33-cli block last_header
"version": 0,
"parentHash": "0xb6bedeb8b7bcd52348f162bed80bf26420df3e886a13ff9aaf7eb2b733cf392d",
"txHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"stateHash": "0x0352bdf0ddb0d51d3e68aa75d402a880c4d877683c2a6393971ca80462af8efd",
"height": 5772,
"blockTime": 1541136720,
"txCount": 0,
"hash": "0x08bcf1957beb722ca874d46f7f7e35b4dea032ac4c0bd519c2eee214e1661284",
"difficulty": 0
cli block last_sequence
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./chain33-cli block last_sequence
※ sequence是否开启的配置项在配置文件中,默认应为关闭,返回为0。
cli block query_hashs "哈希1" "哈希2"
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./chain33-cli block query_hashs -s 0x08bcf1957beb722ca874d46f7f7e35b4dea032ac4c0bd519c2eee214e1661284
"items": [
"block": {
"parentHash": "tr7euLe81SNI8WK+2AvyZCDfPohqE/+ar36ytzPPOS0=",
"stateHash": "A1K98N2w1R0+aKp11AKogMTYd2g8KmOTlxyoBGKvjv0=",
"height": 5772,
"blockTime": 1541136720
"prevStatusHash": "A1K98N2w1R0+aKp11AKogMTYd2g8KmOTlxyoBGKvjv0="
cli block sequences -s "起始查询高度" -e "结束查询高度"
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./chain33-cli block sequences -s 0 -e 1
"blkseqInfos": [
"hash": "0x67c58d6ba9175313f0468ae4e0ddec946549af7748037c2fdd5d54298afd20b6",
"type": 1
cli block view -s 区块哈希
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./chain33-cli block view -s 0xeab471cf4957253ac991bc56744ef7ae9a6b249236e97db2c5c4d998d3e787f2
"head": {
"version": 0,
"parentHash": "0x5153191bb51dacb01311f6ef15726fed82f84b756603fbf0d49a473562e45672",
"txHash": "0x22849a81d554b4f914d7d65c1080d8cc98e5d1de0fd2be4f0db34b439c6a0173",
"stateHash": "0x0352bdf0ddb0d51d3e68aa75d402a880c4d877683c2a6393971ca80462af8efd",
"height": 5765,
"blockTime": 1541135879,
"txCount": 1,
"hash": "0xeab471cf4957253ac991bc56744ef7ae9a6b249236e97db2c5c4d998d3e787f2",
"difficulty": 0
"txCount": 1,
"txHashes": [
Construct BTY transactions
chain33-cli bty [command]
Available Commands:
priv2priv Create a privacy to privacy transaction
priv2pub Create a privacy to public transaction
pub2priv Create a public to privacy transaction
send_exec Create a send to executor transaction
transfer Create a transfer transaction
txgroup Create a transaction group
withdraw Create a withdraw transaction
cli bty send_exec -a "发送额度" -e "目的执行器" -n "交易备注信息"
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./chain33-cli bty send_exec -a 1000 -e coins
※ 返回的是未签名的交易信息,后续参考参考wallet中的sign以及send操作
cli bty transfer -a "转账额度" -t "接收方账户地址" -n "交易备注信息"
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./chain33-cli bty transfer -a 5210314 -t "1CRkrCJHHqgQFm59AiHe35T5vJ1o5QpPW3"
※ 返回的是未签名的交易信息,后续参考参考wallet中的sign以及send操作
cli bty withdraw -a "交易额度" -e "发送交易的执行器名称" -n "交易备注信息"
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./chain33-cli bty withdraw -a 1000 -e coins
Executor operation
chain33-cli exec [command]
Available Commands:
addr Get address of executor
userdata Write data to user defined executor
cli exec addr -e "执行器名称"
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./chain33-cli exec addr -e coins
Mempool management
chain33-cli mempool [command]
Available Commands:
last_txs Get latest mempool txs
list List mempool txs
cli mempool last_txs
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./chain33-cli mempool last_txs
"txs": [
"execer": "norm",
"payload": {
"nput": {
"key": "vrgMFUSFeEWNdJBUEWTJ",
"value": "0x6c5a706d44566b756251766e69757547494375645341416c564b5967426c504c797158414169456e7577754d6d4b477363726c6369714b43707978414865426579445963484b774274664f65706249464970635351524c744a42544d66554351745a7965"
"ty": 1
"rawpayload": "0x28010a7c0a147672674d465553466545574e644a42554557544a12646c5a706d44566b756251766e69757547494375645341416c564b5967426c504c797158414169456e7577754d6d4b477363726c6369714b43707978414865426579445963484b774274664f65706249464970635351524c744a42544d66554351745a7965",
"signature": {
"ty": 1,
"pubkey": "0x027bdcc95bc051df0e047cd76f8488b40fd513e429c1b284ddd990f531e4cf42af",
"signature": "0x304402202c671aac350f56bd07a3563e3c3bebfbc7ffae2d10ce7c7ea4e14953c7f6770b02203b4fe2185481ba17d089d309150e01e68682c0a5b3d46d3532ad93c1304961ab"
"fee": "0.0100",
"expire": 0,
"nonce": 8872632247761828259,
"to": "1CnmrBJcpTiY6TphmuAiz7HoYSsGwgYgho",
"from": "17DjBft6j9VBxJddRxe9eSCiN1Y2NiDe7L"
cli mempool list
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./chain33-cli mempool list
"txs": [
"execer": "norm",
"payload": {
"nput": {
"key": "vrgMFUSFeEWNdJBUEWTJ",
"value": "0x6c5a706d44566b756251766e69757547494375645341416c564b5967426c504c797158414169456e7577754d6d4b477363726c6369714b43707978414865426579445963484b774274664f65706249464970635351524c744a42544d66554351745a7965"
"ty": 1
"rawpayload": "0x28010a7c0a147672674d465553466545574e644a42554557544a12646c5a706d44566b756251766e69757547494375645341416c564b5967426c504c797158414169456e7577754d6d4b477363726c6369714b43707978414865426579445963484b774274664f65706249464970635351524c744a42544d66554351745a7965",
"signature": {
"ty": 1,
"pubkey": "0x027bdcc95bc051df0e047cd76f8488b40fd513e429c1b284ddd990f531e4cf42af",
"signature": "0x304402202c671aac350f56bd07a3563e3c3bebfbc7ffae2d10ce7c7ea4e14953c7f6770b02203b4fe2185481ba17d089d309150e01e68682c0a5b3d46d3532ad93c1304961ab"
"fee": "0.0100",
"expire": 0,
"nonce": 8872632247761828259,
"to": "1CnmrBJcpTiY6TphmuAiz7HoYSsGwgYgho",
"from": "17DjBft6j9VBxJddRxe9eSCiN1Y2NiDe7L"
Net operation
chain33-cli net [command]
Available Commands:
fault Get system fault
info Get net information
is_clock_sync Get ntp clock synchronization status
is_sync Get blockchain synchronization status
peer_info Get remote peer nodes
time Get time status
cli net fault
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./chain33-cli net fault
cli net info
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./chain33-cli net info
"externalAddr": "",
"localAddr": "",
"service": true,
"outbounds": 0,
"inbounds": 0
cli net is_clock_syn
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./chain33-cli net is_clock_sync
cli net is_sync
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./chain33-cli net is_sync
cli net peer_info
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./chain33-cli net peer_info
"peers": [
"addr": "",
"port": 13802,
"name": "02e466e00b8db4e67de85d7c667dabeda92faea9fd06f72c29b2c851eb106fefa4",
"mempoolSize": 0,
"self": true,
"header": {
"version": 0,
"parentHash": "0x5be67d5026e2bc4aede0feda9ce7cea214b7dc89eff481f1f2c4d33e6a7a3c0a",
"txHash": "0x0a382a097d9b7e2d0971832e1b7d49f41059cd6340a5c241f7a4c91bbeaf896f",
"stateHash": "0x98f10651192e2df48a0b48200c9024896e1351a342403d27227ee0f37025f15b",
"height": 5,
"blockTime": 1541393636,
"txCount": 100,
"hash": "0xab67feeb56baf68eef300ef1f01a2fbe026623e3846729277d74de008e149e58",
"difficulty": 0
cli net time
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./chain33-cli net time
"ntpTime": "2018-11-05 14:20:08",
"localTime": "2018-11-05 12:55:08",
"diff": -5100
Seed management
chain33-cli seed [command]
Available Commands:
generate Generate seed
get Get seed by password
save Save seed and encrypt with passwd
cli seed generate -l "seed语言种类 0:'English' 1:'简体中文'"
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./chain33-cli seed generate -l 0
"seed": "melt inflict dose foam tuna whip fruit boil scrub rude puzzle length ask cruise embody"
cli seed get -p "获取seed的密码"
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./chain33-cli seed get -p fzm
"seed": "melt inflict dose foam tuna whip fruit boil scrub rude puzzle length ask cruise embody"
cli seed save -s "以空格分隔的seed(15个字符或单词)" -p "加密seed使用的密码"
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./chain33-cli seed save -s "melt inflict dose foam tuna whip fruit boil scrub rude puzzle length ask cruise embody" -p fzm
"isOK": true,
"msg": ""
cli send bty transfer -a "转账额度" -n "备注信息" -t "接收方地址" -k "私钥/发送方地址"
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./chain33-cli send bty transfer -a "1000" -n "transfer tx" -t "1LBKc8mA7s57sVoij6AhL7CG6pS3TFkqBu" -k "14KEKbYtKKQm4wMthSK9J4La4nAiidGozt"
Coin statistic
chain33-cli stat [command]
Available Commands:
miner Get miner statistic
ticket_info Get ticket info by ticket_id
ticket_info_list Get ticket info list by ticket_id
ticket_stat Get ticket statistics by addr
total_coins Get total amount of a token (default: bty of current height)
Transaction management
chain33-cli tx [command]
Available Commands:
addr_overview View transactions of address
decode Decode a hex format transaction
get_hex Get transaction hex by hash
query Query transaction by hash
query_addr Query transaction by account address
query_hash Get transactions by hashes
cli tx addr_overview -a "账户地址"
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./chain33-cli tx addr_overview -a 1EcE1nzwRzhrUUVy9k2xDMH5kw9bymcJPc
"receiver": "1000.0000",
"balance": "100.9960",
"txCount": 5
cli tx decode -d "需要解析的交易信息"
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./chain33-cli tx decode -d 0a05636f696e7312121803220e1080d0dbc3f4022205636f696e7320a08d0630eaceade1e389c1a5293a22314761485970576d71414a7371527772706f4e6342385676674b7453776a63487174
"execer": "coins",
"payload": {
"withdraw": {
"cointoken": "",
"amount": "100000000000",
"note": "",
"execName": "coins",
"to": ""
"ty": 3
"rawpayload": "0x1803220e1080d0dbc3f4022205636f696e73",
"signature": {
"ty": 0,
"pubkey": "",
"signature": ""
"fee": "0.0010",
"expire": 0,
"nonce": 2975476712871782250,
"to": "1GaHYpWmqAJsqRwrpoNcB8VvgKtSwjcHqt",
"from": "1HT7xU2Ngenf7D4yocz2SAcnNLW7rK8d4E"
cli tx get_hex -s "交易哈希"
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./chain33-cli tx get_hex -s 0x57fbde79b74a0c3286ca5947c05a5b95efd14f1411669bedabae1c68390237a3
cli tx query -s "交易哈希"
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./chain33-cli tx query -s 0x57fbde79b74a0c3286ca5947c05a5b95efd14f1411669bedabae1c68390237a3
"tx": {
"execer": "coins",
"payload": {
"transfer": {
"cointoken": "",
"amount": "700000000000",
"note": "",
"to": "1EcE1nzwRzhrUUVy9k2xDMH5kw9bymcJPc"
"ty": 1
"rawpayload": "0x18010a2b1080b081daaf14222231456345316e7a77527a687255555679396b3278444d48356b773962796d634a5063",
"signature": {
"ty": 1,
"pubkey": "0x02504fa1c28caaf1d5a20fefb87c50a49724ff401043420cb3ba271997eb5a4387",
"signature": "0x304502210081d32f66581903960f5fedc79ad742f43a4198209b766e1d5e6668288c3a9bc9022062bb2aa67c5db22aff68cc179fd7af7aad92b7f8cfd634857ff9b77c9c97d863"
"fee": "0.0010",
"expire": 1541567367,
"nonce": 8040402671450728475,
"to": "1EcE1nzwRzhrUUVy9k2xDMH5kw9bymcJPc",
"from": "14KEKbYtKKQm4wMthSK9J4La4nAiidGozt"
"receipt": {
"ty": 2,
"tyName": "ExecOk",
"logs": [
"ty": 2,
"tyName": "LogFee",
"log": {
"prev": {
"currency": 0,
"balance": "9999699999700000",
"frozen": "0",
"addr": "14KEKbYtKKQm4wMthSK9J4La4nAiidGozt"
"current": {
"currency": 0,
"balance": "9999699999600000",
"frozen": "0",
"addr": "14KEKbYtKKQm4wMthSK9J4La4nAiidGozt"
"rawLog": "0x0a2d10a0e8deb2c9d5e111222231344b454b6259744b4b516d34774d7468534b394a344c61346e41696964476f7a74122d1080dbd8b2c9d5e111222231344b454b6259744b4b516d34774d7468534b394a344c61346e41696964476f7a74"
"ty": 3,
"tyName": "LogTransfer",
"log": {
"prev": {
"currency": 0,
"balance": "9999699999600000",
"frozen": "0",
"addr": "14KEKbYtKKQm4wMthSK9J4La4nAiidGozt"
"current": {
"currency": 0,
"balance": "9998999999600000",
"frozen": "0",
"addr": "14KEKbYtKKQm4wMthSK9J4La4nAiidGozt"
"rawLog": "0x0a2d1080dbd8b2c9d5e111222231344b454b6259744b4b516d34774d7468534b394a344c61346e41696964476f7a74122d1080abd7d899c1e111222231344b454b6259744b4b516d34774d7468534b394a344c61346e41696964476f7a74"
"ty": 3,
"tyName": "LogTransfer",
"log": {
"prev": {
"currency": 0,
"balance": "300000000000",
"frozen": "0",
"addr": "1EcE1nzwRzhrUUVy9k2xDMH5kw9bymcJPc"
"current": {
"currency": 0,
"balance": "1000000000000",
"frozen": "0",
"addr": "1EcE1nzwRzhrUUVy9k2xDMH5kw9bymcJPc"
"rawLog": "0x0a2b1080f092cbdd08222231456345316e7a77527a687255555679396b3278444d48356b773962796d634a5063122b1080a094a58d1d222231456345316e7a77527a687255555679396b3278444d48356b773962796d634a5063"
"height": 38,
"index": 0,
"blocktime": 1541567247,
"amount": "7000.0000",
"fromaddr": "14KEKbYtKKQm4wMthSK9J4La4nAiidGozt",
"actionname": "transfer"
cli tx query_addr -a "账户地址" -t "区块高度" -c "最大返回条数" -d "查询方式" -f "交易类型"
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./chain33-cli tx query_addr -a 1EcE1nzwRzhrUUVy9k2xDMH5kw9bymcJPc -t 36 -c 1 -d 0 -f 0
"txInfos": [
"hash": "0x79811df8d4ea2fabc1a14e57e48014d71a95dcca34b336e44318920445886862",
"height": 35,
"index": 0,
"assets": [
"exec": "coins",
"symbol": "BTY"
cli tx query_hash -s "交易哈希" "交易哈希" "交易哈希" ...
Version info
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./chain33-cli version
Wallet management
chain33-cli wallet [command]
Available Commands:
auto_mine Set auto mine on/off
list_txs List transactions in wallet
lock Lock wallet
merge Merge accounts' balance into address
nobalance Create nobalance transaction
send Send a transaction
set_fee Set transaction fee
set_pwd Set password
sign Sign transaction
status Get wallet status
unlock Unlock wallet
cli wallet auto_mine -f "是否开启自动挖矿(0:off 1:on)"
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./chain33-cli wallet auto_mine -f 0
"isOK": true,
"msg": ""
cli wallet list_txs -c "交易数量" -d "查询方式" -f "查询的起始交易地址"
cli wallet lock
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./chain33-cli wallet lock
"isOK": true,
"msg": ""
cli wallet merge -t "钱包中某个目标账户地址"
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./chain33-cli wallet merge -t 1669FvjdPUAqaNLz8yBpXGnfDcqFL7zozG
"hashes": [
cli wallet nobalance -d "未签名的交易数据" -k "签名私钥"
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./chain33-cli wallet nobalance -d "0a14757365722e702e67756f64756e2e7469636b6574" -k 0x2660c263b11dbdc1c78e8183230ceec1d0204b00f9cfc220c68b9df3aedc116c
cli wallet send -d "已签名的交易信息" -t "发送的Token名称(默认为BTY)"
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./chain33-cli wallet send -d 0a13757365722e702e67756f64756e2e746f6b656e1236380422320a03434e59100a1a05313233313222223136363946766a6450554171614e4c7a3879427058476e66446371464c377a6f7a471a6d0801122102504fa1c28caaf1d5a20fefb87c50a49724ff401043420cb3ba271997eb5a43871a463044022067f735e00946957fde90a7a3ba4418c3e3771977f13b2dc510f6172b0cfb97d902202d2a11e7a69aeee8adf42607d1e32e42c6a43b10ca0702f704cd54e151c045fa20a08d0628cae2ffde053085caa48bc7c594be113a223144527535423766505961776179414b524648315857536e354b66415654386d6848
※ 返回结果即区块中记录的交易hash
cli wallet set_fee -a "交易手续费"
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./chain33-cli wallet set_fee -a 100
"isOK": true,
"msg": ""
cli wallet set_pwd -o "旧密码" -n "新密码"
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./chain33-cli wallet set_pwd -o fzm -n fzm123
"isOK": true,
"msg": ""
cli wallet sign -d "未签名的交易信息" -a 签名地址/-k 签名私钥 -e 超时时间(默认为120秒)
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./chain33-cli wallet sign -d 0a13757365722e702e67756f64756e2e746f6b656e1236380422320a03434e59100a1a05313233313222223136363946766a6450554171614e4c7a3879427058476e66446371464c377a6f7a4720a08d063085caa48bc7c594be113a223144527535423766505961776179414b524648315857536e354b66415654386d6848 -a 14KEKbYtKKQm4wMthSK9J4La4nAiidGozt
※ 返回结果为加密后的交易信息
cli wallet status
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./chain33-cli wallet status
"isWalletLock": false,
"isAutoMining": false,
"isHasSeed": true,
"isTicketLock": true
cli wallet unlock -p "密码" -t "持续时间" -s "解锁范围(默认解锁wallet)"
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./chain33-cli wallet unlock -p fzm -t 0
"isOK": true,
"msg": ""
hello world