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Memoria.ini sections

Tirlititi edited this page Jul 2, 2023 · 3 revisions

Table of Contents


This sections is disabled by default.

Option Description
Names A list of font names: the first font is used if available, otherwise the next one is used, etc.
In order for a font to correctly work in-game, it has to be installed in C:\Windows\Fonts\ on Windows
Size The font size used for in-game texts and dialogs


This sections is enabled by default.

Option Description
MusicVolume The pourcent-based volume of the in-game musics
SoundVolume The pourcent-based volume of the in-game sounds
PriorityToOGG [0/1] When enabled, the sound and music asset paths are first searched with the .ogg extension, and only uses .akb.bytes assets if the former doesn't exist


This sections is disabled by default.

Option Description
BattleFPS/FieldFPS/WorldFPS/MenuFPS The target FPS (frame per second), which is the frequency at which the game visually updates, in the different modules
BattleTPS/FieldTPS/WorldTPS/MenuTPS The target TPS (tick per second), which is the frequency at which the game logically updates, in the different modules
BattleSwirlFrames The time allocated to the battle swirl
WidescreenSupport [0/1] When enabled, the game uses the widescreen 16:9 mode
TileSize The size of field background tiles:
in the PSX version of the game, they were 16x16
in the base PC remaster, they are 32x32
all the existing background upscaler mods opted for 64x64
SkipIntros [0/1/2/3] Skip (parts of) the introductions before getting to the title screen
GarnetHair [0/1/2] Have Garnet always have long hair [1] or always have short hair [2]


This sections is enabled by default.

Option Description
DisableMouse Prevent the mouse inputs to have any effect.
[0] Mouse inputs are enabled
[1], [3] or [5] Disable mouse inputs in menu navigation
[2], [3] or [6] Disable mouse inputs for field movements and dialogs
[4], [5] or [6] Disable mouse inputs in battle menu navigation
[7] Disable mouse inputs entirely
DialogProgressButtons The different buttons that can be pressed to progress in dialogs. By default, only the "Confirm" button is used for dialog progression in the Steam version, but both "Confirm", "Special" are used in the PSX version.
WrapSomeMenus Wrap a couple of menus, ie. the cursor loops in the top/bottom direction when navigating in some menus (eg. when picking the target of an attack in battles).
PSXScrollingMethod [0] When scrolling top/down in tables, the cursor selects the last item of the page that is scrolled to.
[1] (default) When scrolling top/down in tables, the page changes but the cursor stays at the same coordinates.
PSXMovementMethod [0/1] When enabled, the movement algorithm is adjusted to fit more the PSX behaviour, which is slower than the Steam version on sloping paths.


This sections is enabled by default.

Option Description
StickThreshold The pourcent-based stick position under which the input is ignored
MinimumSpeed The walking speed when the stick's position is just at its minimum threshold
UseAbsoluteOrientation [0/1/2/3] Have the movement orientation adapted to the walkpath (WO) or use the absolute orientation (AO)
[0] WO for all kinds of movements (default behaviour of the PC version)
[1] AO for all kinds of movements
[2] WO for analog movement, AO for directional keys and pad
[3] AO for analog movement, WO for directional keys and pad (default behaviour of the PSX version)


This sections is disabled by default.

See its own page.


This sections is disabled by default.

Option Description
HideCursor [0/1] Hide the "Here" cursor
HideExclamation [0/1] Hide the exclamation mark icon
HideQuestion [0/1] Hide the question mark icon
HideCards [0/1] Hide the Tetra Master card icon (it didn't exist in the PSX version)
HideBeach [0/1] Hide the beach icon (it didn't exist in the PSX version)
HideSteam [0/1] Hide the exclamation and question marks that were added for the PC version of the game


This sections is disabled by default.

Option Description
Rotation [0/1] No effect
Perspective [0/1] No effect
SpeedMode [0/1] When disabled, the speed cheat (F1) cannot be used
SpeedFactor The factor by which the speed cheat speeds up the game
SpeedTimer When enabled, the mini-game timers are sped up by the speed cheat as well
BattleAssistance [0/1] When disabled, the battle assistance cheat (F2) cannot be used
Attack9999 [0/1] When disabled, the 9999 damage cheat (F3) cannot be used
NoRandomEncounter [0/1] When disabled, the no random encounter cheat (F4) cannot be used
MasterSkill [0/1] When disabled, the master skill cheat (F5) cannot be used
LvMax [0/1] When disabled, the level max cheat (F6) cannot be used
GilMax [0/1] When disabled, the gil max cheat (F7) cannot be used


This sections is disabled by default.

Option Description
BattleSpeed A duplicate of the [Battle] Speed option
AllCharactersAvailable [0/1/2] When enabled, all the characters are unlocked at any time in the party selection menu
On top of that, the party members cannot be removed by scripted events when the option [2] is used
RopeJumpingIncrement The score increase for each jump rope in the related mini-game
FrogCatchingIncrement The score increase for each frog caught in the related mini-game
HippaulRacingViviSpeed The base running speed in the race mini-game
StealingAlwaysWorks [0/1/2] Natively, there are two random checks when stealing an item to an enemy
Enabling this option bypasses the item slot random check [1] or both random checks [2]
DisableNameChoice [0/1] When enabled, the player can never rename the characters


This sections is enabled by default.

See its own page.


This sections is enabled by default.

Option Description
Battle[Row/Column]Count The number of rows and columns in a page of a sub-command in battles, like in "Black Magic" or "Items" menus
PSXBattleMenu [0/1] When enabled, the main battle commands are disposed like they are in the PSX version, with "Change" and "Defend" being accessible by holding left/right
ScanDisplay [0/1] When enabled (default), the informations of enemies targeted by the spell "Scan" are displayed in a convenient window
BattleMenu[PosX/PosY/Width/Height] The coordinates of the battle menus; they are best adjusted by opening an in-game control panel that is accessed by pressing Alt+F1 in battles
BattleDetail[PosX/PosY/Width/Height] The coordinates of the battle character details; they are best adjusted by opening an in-game control panel that is accessed by pressing Alt+F1 in battles
BattleCommandTitleFormat A custom format for the command casting titles
An empty format (default) is the same as using only CommandTitle
Using the format CommandTitle + ' ([FFCC00]' + CasterName + '[FFFFFF])' shows the caster of each ability in yellow (the [FFCC00] hexadecimal code) and in parentheses
Battle[Damage/Restore/MPDamage/MPRestore]TextFormat A custom format different kinds of damage figures
An empty format (default) is the same as using only BaseText
DamageValue or HealValue can be used to discriminate behaviours according to the damage
Eg. (DamageValue >= 1000) ? ('[b]' + BaseText + '![/b]') : BaseText will display damage above 1000 in bold and with an exclamation mark


This sections is enabled by default.

Option Description
KeepRestTimeInBattle [0/1] When enabled, the overflow of the ATB is kept from a character turn to the next one


This sections is disabled by default.

Option Description
SigningEventObjects [0/1] Unknown effect
StartModelViewer [0/1] Open a 3D model and animation viewer instead of launching the game


This sections is enabled by default.

Option Description
DisableAutoSave [0/1] When enabled, no auto-save is ever done and thus the "Continue" button on the title screen will always load to the same place
AutoSaveOnlyAtMoogle [0/1] When enabled, auto-saves can only be done when entering a world map or a field that has a save point
SaveOnCloud [0/1] When enabled, the player saves are automatically uploaded in the player's cloud data


This sections is disabled by default.

Also check its own page for more informations.

Option Description
SplitSettingsPath The path of an existing text file that contains formatted informations about LiveSplit splits. An example of such file can be downloaded here.
LogGameTimePath The path of a text file in which the in-game time is updated on every frame. The file's content may look like 11:59:59.99 when it gets updated.


This sections is disabled by default.

Option Description
Path The base export path
Languages The list of languages that should be exported for language-dependant datas
Text/Graphics/Audio/Field/Battle [0/1] When enabled, the datas of the related section(s) are exported instead of launching the game


This sections is disabled by default.

Option Description
Path The base import path
Text/Graphics/Audio/Field [0/1] When enabled, the datas of the related section(s) are imported when launching the game


This sections is enabled by default.

It enables mod folders for easing the use of external mods. In most situations, it is better to let the Mod Manager handles the section and not modify it manually.

Note that this section is ignored in the Memoria.ini of mod folders; its options cannot be overwritten by external mods.

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