Releases: AlsoGhostglowDev/Ghost-s-Utilities
Releases · AlsoGhostglowDev/Ghost-s-Utilities
v2.1 Update
Back with another update! Some functions were added in, mostly in game.lua
We will go over what got added and updated!
noteTweenScale(tags:Array<String>|String, note:Int, vals:Array<Float>|Float, duration:Float, ease:String)
makeGradient(sprite:String, dimensions:Array<Float>|Float, colors:Array<String>, ?chunkSize:Float = 1, ?rotation:Float = 90, ?interpolate:Bool = true)
makeLuaCharacter(tag:String, json:String, positions:Array<Float>|Float, noteType:String, isPlayer:Bool)
applyTextMarkups(tag:String, text:String, colors:Array<String>, seperators:Array<String>)
setCamFilters(camera:String, filters:Array<String>, shaderVals:Array<Array<Dynamic>>) -- BETA. May crash on usage.
0.7 functions for 0.6.3:
- createInstance
- addInstance
extra:callFromInstance(instance:String, func:String, args:Array<Dynamic>)
-> runCodeFromFile
This update also introduces the new module: helper.lua
. Acts as the ghostutil's modules helper. (require 'ghostutil._backend.helper'
v2.0.0 Release
More modules to mess around with:
- lua-addons/string,
- lua-addons/table,
- desktop,
- file,
- media,
- outdatehandler,
- web
>0.7 Support
GhostUtil have always only been available to 0.6.3 users. Now, everyone get to use it!
More optimized than ever
It's literally crazy how optimized this thing is.
0.6.3 Port of 0.7 functions! (well.. some.)
setHealthBarColors(left:String<FlxColor>, right:String<FlxColor>)
callMethod(method:String, args:Array<Dynamic>)
callMethodFromClass(class:String, method:String, args:Array<Dynamic>)
startTween(tag:String, object:String, values:Hashmap<String, Dynamic>|Table<Key, Value>, duration:Float, options:Table<Key, Value>)
(All of these functions are in the Game
Check for Updates
GhostUtil now checks if your current version of GhostUtil is outdated.
Thank you to the Ghostutil Contributors!
Psych Engine 0.7.1h IS BROKEN! DO NOT USE IT!