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1.1.5 Add envimet plant3D

Antonello Di Nunzio edited this page Jun 13, 2021 · 15 revisions


Once you have created and settled the "white board" you can start adding envimet entities. Keep in mind you can always go back to the settings part and resize the grid or change the grid type if necessary.

Add envimet plant3D

The Rhino geometry that is used to create 3D plants is the point (please, see geometry mapping) Morpho toolbar  Morpho toolbar  Note that morpho_plant3d does not have ID input. So it is even easier to use than other components.

Set plant3d materials

As I told you an entity is made by geometry and materials. By default, plant3d material is 0000C2.
The way you select the material is the same of other entities: you can use "morpho_library" to search materials among "plant3d" list of materials.
If you want to use custom tree material you must use Envimet Albero first and read your custom tree from the "user" or "project" library instead of the system one later. Morpho toolbar 

Add multiple plant3d with different materials

You only need to add many "morpho_plant3d" as the number of species you have in the model. There is not ID input so you can plug directly the "inx_plant3d" output to "morpho_model" Morpho toolbar 

Write morpho inx

It is strongly suggested to use a progressive approach. Once you have your entities ready to go you can set up "morpho_model" that prepares the inx model to write.
This component is really intuitive, you must connect the workspace, location and grid + envimet entities. All entities goes on the same input inx_objects (please, see write morpho inx) Morpho toolbar Morpho toolbar