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2.1.1 Simple forcing simulation
The workflow to set the simulation settings is really intuitive and shows all envimet guide option in just one viewport.
In order to write a simx
file with Morpho, you should combine the generic info with the simple forcing one.
The simulation main settings contains those essential settings that envimet must use for the simulation, input are:
- inx_model: Inx Model.
- sim_name: Name of simulation file (*.simx).
- start_date: It sets when your simulation starts [string]. Format DD.MM.YYYY.
- start_time: It sets at what time your simulation starts [string]. Format HH:MM:SS
- duration: Duration of simulation in hours [integer]. Default value is 24.
- wind_speed: Initial wind speed (m/s) [float]. Default value is 2.5.
- wind_direction: Initial wind direction (°dec) [float]. Default value is 0.
- roughness: Roughness [float]. Default value is 0.01.
- initial_temperature: Initial temperature of the air (°C) [float]. Default value is 19.
- specific_humidity: Initial specific humidity of the air in 2500 m (g Water/kg air). Default value is 7.0 but you can use "morpho_atmosphere_specific_humidity" to calculate it.
- relative_humidity: Initial relative humidity of the air in 2m (%) [float]. Default value is 50%.
"morpho_main_settings" has to be connected to the component that creates and writes the *.simx
files, called "morpho_simx". It has only two main input:
- main_settings : base settings of the simulation file which comes from "morpho_main_settings"
- other_settings : where to connect the simple forcing component and optional settings such as initial building temperature or initial soil temperature
It is up to the user how and if to set up the other optional settings. The rules are the same as the envimet guide also because it will use envimet core at the end.
Obviously, it is mandatory to use "morpho_simple_force" component where it is necessary to connect 24 values for the air temperature and 24 values for the relative humidity of a typical day that is used as boundary conditions.
Once you have a simulation object you can run it just using one component, called "morpho_run_simulation".
It will open a console window where you can see the model log output. At this point, you can also set the component to
, save the file and close Rhino leaving the console window open.
You could potentially run many simulations contemporarily, but keep in mind the memory size limit of your machine.
Morpho for Grasshopper - Antonello Di Nunzio