- Rework of combat save disable, added mission restart disable flag
- Moved SimGameDifficultyStrings from mod.json to mod_localized_text.json
- Change to allow CalledShot modifiers from pilot tags to be negative
- Called Shots can not prevent selecting any location (set Combat.CalledShot.DisableAllLocations: true) or just disable selecting the head (set Combat.CalledShot.DisableHeadshots)
- Called shot modifier correctly displays now (previously was bugged)
- Change MultiTarget statistic to read after initializeActor. This should allow it to work with Affinities.
- Add new statistic IRIgnoreHeadInjuries; when set on an actor any head hit injuries will be silently ignored.
WARNING: mod.json AND mod_localized_text.json changes! Several options have been renamed or moved in the mod.json structure. Please review carefully!