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Automated Recognition and Classification of Histological layers. Machine learning for histological annotation and quantification of cortical layers pipeline


This pipeline automatically detects brain cells, classifies them by brain layer and computes cell density. It has been utilized for rat somatosensory cortex Nissl microscopy images, provided by the EPFL LNMC laboratory.

Utilizing images of tissue stained with the classical cresyl violet, imported into QuPath projects, alongside a few QuPath annotations made by experts and metadata in a CSV file, this pipeline generates the boundaries of the somatosensory cortex S1HL layers, the cell densities as function of brain depth and the cell densities per brain layers as presented above:

  • The somatosensory cortex S1HL layers boundaries.


  • Cells densities as function of the percentage of depth inside the somatosensory cortex S1HL.


  • The per layer cells densities in the somatosensory cortex S1HL.


The pipeline consists of two main steps:

  1. With the assistance of QuPath (a third-party application), perform cell detection and export cell features and annotations.
  2. Process the data exported by QuPath in the previous step to compute the boundaries of the layers and cell densities."


The following definitions will stay in effect throughout the code.

  • Annotation: QuPath annotation
  • ML: Machine learning
  • SSCX: The Somatosensory Cortex
  • S1HL: The rat Hindlimb Somatosensory


When you use the layer-recognition software or method for your research, we ask you to cite the following publication (this includes poster presentations):

Meystre J, Jacquemier J, Bürri O, Zsolnai C, Frank N, Perin R, Keller D, Markram H (2024). Machine learning for histological annotation and quantification of cortical layers. doi: journal link

.. code-block::

TITLE={arch: Machine learning for histological annotation and quantification of cortical layers},

Publications that use or mention layer-recognition

The list of publications that use or mention layer-recognition can be found on the github wiki page <>_.


Python package and its applications.

$ git clone
$ cd layer-recognition
$ pip install .

Third parties

Python package

  • Python third parties libraries are installed during main package installation, listed in the requirements.txt file.

Pipeline data inputs

Data inputs and model used during the cells detection step:

  • The images of tissue stained with the classical cresyl violet.
  • The following QuPath metadata provided for each image: {Distance to midline:2.35mm, Analyze:True, Rotated:Yes}
  • The pre-trained cellpose model that is provided in this package. cellpose model
  • QuPath projects (at least one) containing the images requiring processing and the following five annotations: SliceCountour, S1HL, top left, top right, bottom left, and bottom right."


Data inputs required for cell densities calculations.

  • The images' pixel size : a float number that represents the pixel size of the QuPath input images
  • The data outputs generated by the Full_QuPath_script.groovy script:
    • annotations file (json file) that contains:

      • top_left, top_right, bottom_left and bottom_right annotation points
      • S1HL polygon annotation
      • outside_pia annotation
    • detected cells features (csv file) containing the lofflwing features: Image Object ID Object type Name Classification Parent ROI Centroid X µm Centroid Y µm Area µm^2 Length µm Circul arity Solidity Max diameter µm Min diameter µm Hematoxylin: Mean Hematoxylin: Median Hematoxylin: Min Hematoxylin: Max Hematoxylin: Std.Dev. DAB: Mean DAB: Median DAB: Min DAB: Max DAB: Std.Dev. Distance to annotation with S1HL µm Distan ce to annotation with Outside Pia µm Distance to annotation with SliceContour µm Delaunay: Num neighbors Delaunay: Mean distance Delaunay: Medi an distance Delaunay: Max distance Delaunay: Min distance Delaunay: Mean triangle area Delaunay: Max triangle area Smoothed: 50 µm: Area µm^2 Smoothed: 50 µm: Length µm Smoothed: 50 µm: Circularity Smoothed: 50 µm: Solidity Smoothed: 50 µm: Max diameter µm Smooth ed: 50 µm: Min diameter µm Smoothed: 50 µm: Hematoxylin: Mean Smoothed: 50 µm: Hematoxylin: Median Smoothed: 50 µm: Hematoxylin: Min Smoothed: 50 µm: Hematoxylin: Max Smoothed: 50 µm: Hematoxylin: Std.Dev. Smoothed: 50 µm: DAB: Mean Smoothed: 50 µm: DAB: Median Smooth ed: 50 µm: DAB: Min Smoothed: 50 µm: DAB: Max Smoothed: 50 µm: DAB: Std.Dev. Smoothed: 50 µm: Distance to annotation with S1HL µm Smooth ed: 50 µm: Distance to annotation with Outside Pia µm Smoothed: 50 µm: Distance to annotation with SliceContour µm Smoothed: 50 µm: Delaunay: Num neighbors Smoothed: 50 µm: Delaunay: Mean distance Smoothed: 50 µm: Delaunay: Median distance Smoothed: 50 µm: Delaunay: Max distanc e Smoothed: 50 µm: Delaunay: Min distance Smoothed: 50 µm: Delaunay: Mean triangle area Smoothed: 50 µm: Delaunay: Max triangle area Smooth ed: 50 µm: Nearby detection counts


Steps to compute the cells densities as function of percentage of the S1HL depth processing

  • Read the data inputs exported by QuPath and convert them to cartesian point coordinates and shapely polygon.
  • Split the S1HL polygon following the S1HL "top and bottom lines" shapes in n polygons (named spitted_polygon)
  • Count the number of cells located in each spitted_polygon
  • Compute the volume of each spitted_polygon (mm3)
  • Compute the cells densities as function of the percentage of the sscx depth
  • Export result files

Steps to compute the densities per S1HL layers

  • Read data inputs from QuPath exported files and convert them to cartesian point coordinates and shapely polygon.
  • Train a ML model from GroundTruth data produced by some experts
  • Use the ML model to predict and affect a layer for each detected cell
  • Define a polygon (alphashape) for each layer based on ML prediction
  • Count the number of cells located in each layer polygon
  • Compute the volume of each layer polygon (mm3)
  • Compute the cells densities for each layer
  • Export result files


Step by step:

  1. Detect cells and export their features and the QuPath annotations
    • Edit the qupath_scripts/full_quPath_script.groovy and modify the paths for the following entries to make them corresponding to your environment:

      • modelPath
      • saveFolderPath
      • CountourFinderPath
      • LayerClassiferPath
      • brain_area_name
      • run_classifier (set to True for Ground Truth image and False for the other)
    • Create the saveFolderPath if it does not already exist.

  • Execute the following groovy script inside the QuPath application or via a script thanks to the QuPath script command:
    • qupath_scripts/full_QuPath_script.groovy
  1. Convert the QuPath results to pandas dataframes in batch

    • modify the following entries ./Config/batch_convert.ini with your configuration
      • input_detection_directory
      • input_annotation_directory
      • output_directory
      • pixel_size
    • execute the following python script
    pylayer_recognition convert --config-file-path ./Config/batch_convert.ini
  2. Convert the QuPath project metadata to a pandas dataframe

    • execute the following python script
    pylayer_recognition convert-qupath-project --qupath-project-path ProjectQuPath.qpproj --output-path /arch/Results
  3. Compute the cell densities as function of brain depth

    • modify ./Config/batch_density_depth with your configuration
      • execute the following python script
    pylayer_recognition density-per-depth --config-file-path ./Config/batch_density_depth.ini
  4. Train the ML model the layers:

    • execute the following python script
    pylayer_recognition -v train-model --train-dir TRAINING_PATH --train-glob "Feat*" --extension csv  --save-dir RESULT_PATH --distinguishable-second-layer

6.Predict the layers:

  • execute the following python script
pylayer_recognition -v  layers-predict --model-file RESULT_PATH/trained_rf.pkl  --pred-dir $PREDICTION_PATH --pred-save  RESULT_PATH  --pred-glob "Feat*" --distinguishable-second-layer
  1. Compute the cell densities by layer (L2 and L3 merged)

    • modify ./Config/batch_density_layer_merged.ini with your configuration
    • execute the following python script
    pylayer_recognition density-per-layer --config-file-path ./Config/batch_density_layer_merged.ini
  2. Compute the cell densities by layer (L2 and L3 distinguished)

    • modify ./Config/batch_density_layer_distinguish.ini with your configuration
    • execute the following python script
    pylayer_recognition density-per-layer --config-file-path ./Config/batch_density_layer_distinguish.ini
  3. Prepare dataset for the cell size figures

    • modify ./Config/batch_size with your configuration
    • execute the following python script
    pylayer_recognition cell-size --config-file-path ./Config/batch_size.ini
  4. Prepare dataset for the layers thickness figures

    • execute the following python script
    pylayer_recognition layer-thickness --feature-file-path FEATURES_PATH --output-filename OUTPUT/layer_thickness.csv

In a single pipeline command:

  • Edit the configuration file as described above.
  • Edit the script to modify the following inputs:
  • execute the command:

Figures Howto

Producing paper's figures

To produce the by hemisphere figures, a csv file is required:

  • edit the data/metadata.csv

  • execute the following python script

       python figures_script/
       python figures_script/ CELL_SIZE_OUTPUT_PATH/cells_area.csv output_file_path
       python figures_script/ OUTPUT/layer_thickness.csv output_file_path

Funding & Acknowledgment

The development of this software was supported by funding to the Blue Brain Project, a research centre of the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), from the Swiss government’s ETH Board of the Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology.

For licence and authors, see LICENSE.txt and respectively.

Copyright © 2022-2024 Blue Brain Project/EPFL