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Use of tools

Nazim Bhuiyan edited this page Oct 13, 2017 · 3 revisions

Besides hosting of project artifacts, source code version control, collaborating between multiple developers developing on multiple machines, and wiki, we also use the issues/milestones to keep track of what needs to be done, what we are doing, assigning tasks to team members, and how far are we from our goals.

This tool provided a way to organize different tasks according to tags, as well as keep metrics on our progress. It also provides an easy way to communicate what a member is working, and finished, through its Slack integration.


Acted as a medium of communication between individual team members and also a way to announce to the entire team. It also has a dedicated channel that is used for updates.


A free tool we used to draw the user interface mockups.

A free tool we are using for labeling UI mock-ups, drawing the Storyboard, and for UML diagrams.

This will be integrated with the project later down the line. Travis CI will perform automatic unit tests upon each push to ensure the app did not break.