This is an official SDK for ClickSend Below you will find a current list of the available methods for clicksend. NOTE: You will need to create a free account to use the API. You can register here..
This C# SDK is automatically generated by the ClickSend Codegen project:
- API version: 3.1
- SDK version: 1.0.0
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.v3.generators.dotnet.CSharpClientCodegen
- .NET 4.0 or later
- Windows Phone 7.1 (Mango)
- RestSharp - 105.1.0 or later
- Json.NET - 7.0.0 or later
- JsonSubTypes - 1.2.0 or later
The DLLs included in the package may not be the latest version. We recommend using NuGet to obtain the latest version of the packages:
Install-Package RestSharp
Install-Package Newtonsoft.Json
Install-Package JsonSubTypes
NOTE: RestSharp versions greater than 105.1.0 have a bug which causes file uploads to fail. See RestSharp#742
Run the following command to generate the DLL
- [Mac/Linux]
- [Windows]
Then include the DLL (under the bin
folder) in the C# project, and use the namespaces:
using IO.ClickSend.ClickSend.Api;
using IO.ClickSend.Client;
using IO.ClickSend.ClickSend.Model;
A .nuspec
is included with the project. You can follow the Nuget quickstart to create and publish packages.
This .nuspec
uses placeholders from the .csproj
, so build the .csproj
nuget pack -Build -OutputDirectory out IO.ClickSend.csproj
Then, publish to a local feed or other host and consume the new package via Nuget as usual.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using IO.ClickSend.ClickSend.Api;
using IO.ClickSend.Client;
using IO.ClickSend.ClickSend.Model;
namespace Example
public class Example
public void main()
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
Configuration.Default.Username = "YOUR_USERNAME";
Configuration.Default.Password = "YOUR_PASSWORD";
var apiInstance = new AccountApi();
// Get account information
string result = apiInstance.AccountGet();
catch (Exception e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling AccountApi.AccountGet: " + e.Message );
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AccountApi | AccountGet | GET /account | Get account information |
AccountApi | AccountPost | POST /account | Create a new account |
AccountApi | AccountUseageBySubaccountGet | GET /account/usage/{year}/{month}/subaccount | Get account useage by subaccount |
AccountApi | AccountVerifySendPut | PUT /account-verify/send | Send account activation token |
AccountApi | AccountVerifyVerifyByActivationTokenPut | PUT /account-verify/verify/{activation_token} | Verify new account |
AccountApi | ForgotPasswordPut | PUT /forgot-password | Forgot password |
AccountApi | ForgotPasswordVerifyPut | PUT /forgot-password/verify | Verify forgot password |
AccountApi | ForgotUsernamePut | PUT /forgot-username | Forgot username |
AccountRechargeApi | RechargeCreditCardGet | GET /recharge/credit-card | Get Credit Card info |
AccountRechargeApi | RechargeCreditCardPut | PUT /recharge/credit-card | Update credit card info |
AccountRechargeApi | RechargePackagesGet | GET /recharge/packages | Get list of all packages |
AccountRechargeApi | RechargePurchaseByPackageIdPut | PUT /recharge/purchase/{package_id} | Purchase a package |
AccountRechargeApi | RechargeTransactionsByTransactionIdGet | GET /recharge/transactions/{transaction_id} | Get specific Transaction |
AccountRechargeApi | RechargeTransactionsGet | GET /recharge/transactions | Purchase a package |
ContactApi | ListsContactsByListIdAndContactIdDelete | DELETE /lists/{list_id}/contacts/{contact_id} | Delete a contact |
ContactApi | ListsContactsByListIdAndContactIdGet | GET /lists/{list_id}/contacts/{contact_id} | Get a specific contact |
ContactApi | ListsContactsByListIdAndContactIdPut | PUT /lists/{list_id}/contacts/{contact_id} | Update specific contact |
ContactApi | ListsContactsByListIdGet | GET /lists/{list_id}/contacts | Get all contacts in a list |
ContactApi | ListsContactsByListIdPost | POST /lists/{list_id}/contacts | Create new contact |
ContactApi | ListsCopyContactPut | PUT /lists/{from_list_id}/contacts/{contact_id}/copy/{to_list_id} | Copy contact to another list |
ContactApi | ListsRemoveOptedOutContactsByListIdAndOptOutListIdPut | PUT /lists/{list_id}/remove-opted-out-contacts/{opt_out_list_id} | Remove all opted out contacts |
ContactApi | ListsTransferContactPut | PUT /lists/{from_list_id}/contacts/{contact_id}/transfer/{to_list_id} | Transfer contact to another list |
ContactListApi | ListsByListIdDelete | DELETE /lists/{list_id} | ListsByListIdDelete |
ContactListApi | ListsByListIdGet | GET /lists/{list_id} | Get specific contact list |
ContactListApi | ListsByListIdPut | PUT /lists/{list_id} | Update specific contact list |
ContactListApi | ListsGet | GET /lists | Get all contact lists |
ContactListApi | ListsImportByListIdPost | POST /lists/{list_id}/import | Import contacts to list |
ContactListApi | ListsPost | POST /lists | Create new contact list |
ContactListApi | ListsRemoveDuplicatesByListIdPut | PUT /lists/{list_id}/remove-duplicates | Remove duplicate contacts |
CountriesApi | CountriesGet | GET /countries | Get all country codes |
DeliveryIssuesApi | DeliveryIssuesGet | GET /delivery-issues | Get all delivery issues |
DeliveryIssuesApi | DeliveryIssuesPost | POST /delivery-issues | Create delivery Issue |
DetectAddressApi | DetectAddressPost | POST /post/letters/detect-address | Detects address in uploaded file. |
EmailDeliveryReceiptRulesApi | EmailDeliveryReceiptAutomationDelete | DELETE /automations/email/receipts/{receipt_rule_id} | Delete email delivery receipt automation |
EmailDeliveryReceiptRulesApi | EmailDeliveryReceiptAutomationGet | GET /automations/email/receipts/{receipt_rule_id} | Get specific email delivery receipt automation |
EmailDeliveryReceiptRulesApi | EmailDeliveryReceiptAutomationPost | POST /automations/email/receipts | Create email delivery receipt automations |
EmailDeliveryReceiptRulesApi | EmailDeliveryReceiptAutomationPut | PUT /automations/email/receipts/{receipt_rule_id} | Update email delivery receipt automation |
EmailDeliveryReceiptRulesApi | EmailDeliveryReceiptAutomationsGet | GET /automations/email/receipts | Get all email delivery receipt automations |
EmailMarketingApi | AllowedEmailAddressGet | GET /email/addresses | Get all email addresses |
EmailMarketingApi | AllowedEmailAddressPost | POST /email/addresses | Create allowed Email Address |
EmailMarketingApi | CancelEmailCampaignPut | PUT /email-campaigns/{email_campaign_id}/cancel | Cancel email campaign |
EmailMarketingApi | EmailCampaignGet | GET /email-campaigns/{email_campaign_id} | Get specific email campaign |
EmailMarketingApi | EmailCampaignHistoryExportGet | GET /email-campaigns/{email_campaign_id}/history/export | Export specific email campaign history |
EmailMarketingApi | EmailCampaignHistoryGet | GET /email-campaigns/{email_campaign_id}/history | Get specific email campaign history |
EmailMarketingApi | EmailCampaignPost | POST /email-campaigns/send | Send email campaign |
EmailMarketingApi | EmailCampaignPricePost | POST /email-campaigns/price | Calculate email campaign price |
EmailMarketingApi | EmailCampaignPut | PUT /email-campaigns/{email_campaign_id} | Edit email campaign |
EmailMarketingApi | EmailCampaignsGet | GET /email-campaigns | Get all email campaigns |
EmailMarketingApi | SendVerificationTokenGet | PUT /email/address-verify/{email_address_id}/send | Send verification token |
EmailMarketingApi | SpecificAllowedEmailAddressDelete | DELETE /email/addresses/{email_address_id} | Delete specific email address |
EmailMarketingApi | SpecificAllowedEmailAddressGet | GET /email/addresses/{email_address_id} | Get specific email address |
EmailMarketingApi | VerifyAllowedEmailAddressGet | PUT /email/address-verify/{email_address_id}/verify/{activation_token} | Verify email address using verification token |
EmailToSmsApi | SmsEmailSmsGet | GET /sms/email-sms | Get list of email to sms allowed addresses |
EmailToSmsApi | SmsEmailSmsPost | POST /sms/email-sms | Create email to sms allowed address |
EmailToSmsApi | SmsEmailSmsStrippedStringDelete | DELETE /sms/email-sms-stripped-strings/{rule_id} | Delete email to sms stripped string rule |
EmailToSmsApi | SmsEmailSmsStrippedStringGet | GET /sms/email-sms-stripped-strings/{rule_id} | Get email to sms stripped string rule |
EmailToSmsApi | SmsEmailSmsStrippedStringPost | POST /sms/email-sms-stripped-strings | Create email to sms stripped string rule |
EmailToSmsApi | SmsEmailSmsStrippedStringPut | PUT /sms/email-sms-stripped-strings/{rule_id} | Update email to sms stripped string rule |
EmailToSmsApi | SmsEmailSmsStrippedStringsGet | GET /sms/email-sms-stripped-strings | Get list of email to sms stripped string rules |
FAXApi | FaxHistoryGet | GET /fax/history | Get a list of Fax History. |
FAXApi | FaxPricePost | POST /fax/price | Calculate Total Price for Fax Messages sent |
FAXApi | FaxReceiptsByMessageIdGet | GET /fax/receipts/{message_id} | Get a single fax receipt based on message id. |
FAXApi | FaxReceiptsGet | GET /fax/receipts | Get all delivery receipts |
FAXApi | FaxReceiptsPost | POST /fax/receipts | Add a delivery receipt |
FAXApi | FaxReceiptsReadPut | PUT /fax/receipts-read | Mark delivery receipts as read |
FAXApi | FaxSendPost | POST /fax/send | Send a fax using supplied supported file-types. |
FAXDeliveryReceiptRulesApi | FaxDeliveryReceiptAutomationDelete | DELETE /automations/fax/receipts/{receipt_rule_id} | Delete fax delivery receipt automation |
FAXDeliveryReceiptRulesApi | FaxDeliveryReceiptAutomationGet | GET /automations/fax/receipts/{receipt_rule_id} | Get specific fax delivery receipt automation |
FAXDeliveryReceiptRulesApi | FaxDeliveryReceiptAutomationPost | POST /automations/fax/receipts | Create fax delivery receipt automations |
FAXDeliveryReceiptRulesApi | FaxDeliveryReceiptAutomationPut | PUT /automations/fax/receipts/{receipt_rule_id} | Update fax delivery receipt automation |
FAXDeliveryReceiptRulesApi | FaxDeliveryReceiptAutomationsGet | GET /automations/fax/receipts | Get all fax delivery receipt automations |
GlobalSendingApi | ListCountriesGet | GET /country-list | List of countries |
GlobalSendingApi | UserCountriesAgreePost | POST /user-countries/agree | Agree to rules and regulation |
GlobalSendingApi | UserCountriesGet | GET /user-countries | Get Countries for Global Sending |
GlobalSendingApi | UserCountriesPost | POST /user-countries | Select Countries for Global Sending |
InboundFAXRulesApi | FaxInboundAutomationDelete | DELETE /automations/fax/inbound/{inbound_rule_id} | Delete inbound fax automation |
InboundFAXRulesApi | FaxInboundAutomationGet | GET /automations/fax/inbound/{inbound_rule_id} | Get specific inbound fax automation |
InboundFAXRulesApi | FaxInboundAutomationPost | POST /automations/fax/inbound | Create new inbound fax automation |
InboundFAXRulesApi | FaxInboundAutomationPut | PUT /automations/fax/inbound/{inbound_rule_id} | Update inbound fax automation |
InboundFAXRulesApi | FaxInboundAutomationsGet | GET /automations/fax/inbound | Get all inbound fax automations |
InboundSMSRulesApi | SmsInboundAutomationDelete | DELETE /automations/sms/inbound/{inbound_rule_id} | Delete inbound sms automation |
InboundSMSRulesApi | SmsInboundAutomationGet | GET /automations/sms/inbound/{inbound_rule_id} | Get specific inbound sms automation |
InboundSMSRulesApi | SmsInboundAutomationPost | POST /automations/sms/inbound | Create new inbound sms automation |
InboundSMSRulesApi | SmsInboundAutomationPut | PUT /automations/sms/inbound/{inbound_rule_id} | Update inbound sms automation |
InboundSMSRulesApi | SmsInboundAutomationsGet | GET /automations/sms/inbound | Get all inbound sms automations |
MMSApi | MmsHistoryExportGet | GET /mms/history/export | Export all mms history |
MMSApi | MmsHistoryGet | GET /mms/history | Get all mms history |
MMSApi | MmsPricePost | POST /mms/price | Get Price for MMS sent |
MMSApi | MmsReceiptsGet | GET /mms/receipts | Get all delivery receipts |
MMSApi | MmsReceiptsReadPut | PUT /mms/receipts-read | Mark delivery receipts as read |
MMSApi | MmsSendPost | POST /mms/send | Send MMS |
MasterEmailTemplatesApi | MasterEmailTemplateCategoriesGet | GET /email/master-templates-categories | Get all master email template categories |
MasterEmailTemplatesApi | MasterEmailTemplateCategoryGet | GET /email/master-templates-categories/{category_id} | Get specific master email template category |
MasterEmailTemplatesApi | MasterEmailTemplateGet | GET /email/master-templates/{template_id} | Get specific master email template |
MasterEmailTemplatesApi | MasterEmailTemplatesGet | GET /email/master-templates | Get all master email templates |
MasterEmailTemplatesApi | MasterEmailTemplatesInCategoryGet | GET /email/master-templates-categories/{category_id}/master-templates | Get all master email templates in a category |
MmsCampaignApi | MmsCampaignByMmsCampaignIdGet | GET /mms-campaigns/{mms_campaign_id} | Get specific mms campaign |
MmsCampaignApi | MmsCampaignsByMmsCampaignIdPut | PUT /mms-campaigns/{mms_campaign_id} | Update mms campaign |
MmsCampaignApi | MmsCampaignsCancelByMmsCampaignIdPut | PUT /mms-campaigns/{mms_campaign_id}/cancel | Cancel mms campaign |
MmsCampaignApi | MmsCampaignsGet | GET /mms-campaigns | Get list of mms campaigns |
MmsCampaignApi | MmsCampaignsPricePost | POST /mms-campaigns/price | Calculate price for mms campaign |
MmsCampaignApi | MmsCampaignsSendPost | POST /mms-campaigns/send | Create mms campaign |
NumberApi | NumbersBuyByDedicatedNumberPost | POST /numbers/buy/{dedicated_number} | Buy dedicated number |
NumberApi | NumbersGet | GET /numbers | Get all availible dedicated numbers |
NumberApi | NumbersSearchByCountryGet | GET /numbers/search/{country} | Get all dedicated numbers by country |
PostLetterApi | PostLettersExportGet | GET /post/letters/history/export | export post letter history |
PostLetterApi | PostLettersHistoryGet | GET /post/letters/history | Get all post letter history |
PostLetterApi | PostLettersPricePost | POST /post/letters/price | Calculate post letter price |
PostLetterApi | PostLettersSendPost | POST /post/letters/send | Send post letter |
PostPostcardApi | PostPostcardsHistoryExportGet | GET /post/postcards/history/export | Export postcard history to a CSV file |
PostPostcardApi | PostPostcardsHistoryGet | GET /post/postcards/history | Retrieve the history of postcards sent or scheduled |
PostPostcardApi | PostPostcardsPricePost | POST /post/postcards/price | Calculate price for sending one or more postcards |
PostPostcardApi | PostPostcardsSendPost | POST /post/postcards/send | Send one or more postcards |
PostReturnAddressApi | PostReturnAddressesByReturnAddressIdDelete | DELETE /post/return-addresses/{return_address_id} | Delete specific post return address |
PostReturnAddressApi | PostReturnAddressesByReturnAddressIdGet | GET /post/return-addresses/{return_address_id} | Get specific post return address |
PostReturnAddressApi | PostReturnAddressesByReturnAddressIdPut | PUT /post/return-addresses/{return_address_id} | Update post return address |
PostReturnAddressApi | PostReturnAddressesGet | GET /post/return-addresses | Get list of post return addresses |
PostReturnAddressApi | PostReturnAddressesPost | POST /post/return-addresses | Create post return address |
ReferralAccountApi | ReferralAccountsGet | GET /referral/accounts | Get all referral accounts |
ResellerAccountApi | ResellerAccountsByClientUserIdGet | GET /reseller/accounts/{client_user_id} | Get Reseller clients Account |
ResellerAccountApi | ResellerAccountsByClientUserIdPut | PUT /reseller/accounts/{client_user_id} | Update Reseller clients Account |
ResellerAccountApi | ResellerAccountsGet | GET /reseller/accounts | Get list of reseller accounts |
ResellerAccountApi | ResellerAccountsPost | POST /reseller/accounts | Create reseller account |
SMSApi | SmsCancelAllPut | PUT /sms/cancel-all | Update all scheduled message as cancelled |
SMSApi | SmsCancelByMessageIdPut | PUT /sms/{message_id}/cancel | Update scheduled message as cancelled |
SMSApi | SmsHistoryExportGet | GET /sms/history/export | Export all sms history |
SMSApi | SmsHistoryGet | GET /sms/history | Get all sms history |
SMSApi | SmsInboundGet | GET /sms/inbound | Get all inbound sms |
SMSApi | SmsInboundPost | POST /sms/inbound | Create inbound sms |
SMSApi | SmsInboundReadByMessageIdPut | PUT /sms/inbound-read/{message_id} | Mark inbound SMS as read |
SMSApi | SmsInboundReadPut | PUT /sms/inbound-read | Mark inbound SMS as read |
SMSApi | SmsPricePost | POST /sms/price | Calculate sms price |
SMSApi | SmsReceiptsByMessageIdGet | GET /sms/receipts/{message_id} | Get a Specific Delivery Receipt |
SMSApi | SmsReceiptsGet | GET /sms/receipts | Get all delivery receipts |
SMSApi | SmsReceiptsPost | POST /sms/receipts | Add a delivery receipt |
SMSApi | SmsReceiptsReadPut | PUT /sms/receipts-read | Mark delivery receipts as read |
SMSApi | SmsSendPost | POST /sms/send | Send sms message(s) |
SMSApi | SmsTemplatesByTemplateIdDelete | DELETE /sms/templates/{template_id} | Delete sms template |
SMSApi | SmsTemplatesByTemplateIdPut | PUT /sms/templates/{template_id} | Update sms template |
SMSApi | SmsTemplatesGet | GET /sms/templates | Get lists of all sms templates |
SMSApi | SmsTemplatesPost | POST /sms/templates | Create sms template |
SMSDeliveryReceiptRulesApi | SmsDeliveryReceiptAutomationDelete | DELETE /automations/sms/receipts/{receipt_rule_id} | Delete sms delivery receipt automation |
SMSDeliveryReceiptRulesApi | SmsDeliveryReceiptAutomationGet | GET /automations/sms/receipts/{receipt_rule_id} | Get specific sms delivery receipt automation |
SMSDeliveryReceiptRulesApi | SmsDeliveryReceiptAutomationPost | POST /automations/sms/receipts | Create sms delivery receipt automations |
SMSDeliveryReceiptRulesApi | SmsDeliveryReceiptAutomationPut | PUT /automations/sms/receipts/{receipt_rule_id} | Update sms delivery receipt automation |
SMSDeliveryReceiptRulesApi | SmsDeliveryReceiptAutomationsGet | GET /automations/sms/receipts | Get all sms delivery receipt automations |
SearchApi | SearchContactsListsGet | GET /search/contacts-lists | Get list of searched contact list |
SmsCampaignApi | SmsCampaignBySmsCampaignIdGet | GET /sms-campaigns/{sms_campaign_id} | Get specific sms campaign |
SmsCampaignApi | SmsCampaignsBySmsCampaignIdPut | PUT /sms-campaigns/{sms_campaign_id} | Update sms campaign |
SmsCampaignApi | SmsCampaignsCancelBySmsCampaignIdPut | PUT /sms-campaigns/{sms_campaign_id}/cancel | Cancel sms campaign |
SmsCampaignApi | SmsCampaignsGet | GET /sms-campaigns | Get list of sms campaigns |
SmsCampaignApi | SmsCampaignsPricePost | POST /sms-campaigns/price | Calculate price for sms campaign |
SmsCampaignApi | SmsCampaignsSendPost | POST /sms-campaigns/send | Create sms campaign |
StatisticsApi | StatisticsSmsGet | GET /statistics/sms | Get sms statistics |
StatisticsApi | StatisticsVoiceGet | GET /statistics/voice | Get voice statistics |
SubaccountApi | SubaccountsBySubaccountIdDelete | DELETE /subaccounts/{subaccount_id} | Delete a subaccount |
SubaccountApi | SubaccountsBySubaccountIdGet | GET /subaccounts/{subaccount_id} | Get specific subaccount |
SubaccountApi | SubaccountsBySubaccountIdPut | PUT /subaccounts/{subaccount_id} | Update subaccount |
SubaccountApi | SubaccountsGet | GET /subaccounts | Get all subaccounts |
SubaccountApi | SubaccountsPost | POST /subaccounts | Create new subaccount |
SubaccountApi | SubaccountsRegenApiKeyBySubaccountIdPut | PUT /subaccounts/{subaccount_id}/regen-api-key | Regenerate an API Key |
TimezonesApi | TimezonesGet | GET /timezones | Get supported list of timezones. |
TransactionalEmailApi | EmailHistoryExportGet | GET /email/history/export | Export all Transactional Email history |
TransactionalEmailApi | EmailHistoryGet | GET /email/history | Get all transactional email history |
TransactionalEmailApi | EmailPricePost | POST /email/price | Get transactional email price |
TransactionalEmailApi | EmailSendPost | POST /email/send | Send transactional email |
TransferCreditApi | ResellerTransferCreditPut | PUT /reseller/transfer-credit | Transfer Credit |
UploadApi | UploadsPost | POST /uploads | Upload File |
UserEmailTemplatesApi | EmailTemplateDelete | DELETE /email/templates/{template_id} | Delete user email template |
UserEmailTemplatesApi | EmailTemplateGet | GET /email/templates/{template_id} | Get specific user email template |
UserEmailTemplatesApi | EmailTemplatePost | POST /email/templates | Create email template |
UserEmailTemplatesApi | EmailTemplatePut | PUT /email/templates/{template_id} | Update email template |
UserEmailTemplatesApi | EmailTemplatesGet | GET /email/templates | Get all user email templates |
VoiceApi | VoiceCancelAllPut | PUT /voice/cancel-all | Update all voice messages as cancelled |
VoiceApi | VoiceCancelByMessageIdPut | PUT /voice/{message_id}/cancel | Update voice message status as cancelled |
VoiceApi | VoiceHistoryExportGet | GET /voice/history/export | Export voice history |
VoiceApi | VoiceHistoryGet | GET /voice/history | Get all voice history |
VoiceApi | VoiceLangGet | GET /voice/lang | Get all voice languages |
VoiceApi | VoicePricePost | POST /voice/price | Calculate voice price |
VoiceApi | VoiceReceiptsGet | GET /voice/receipts | Get all delivery receipts |
VoiceApi | VoiceReceiptsPost | POST /voice/receipts | Add a delivery receipt |
VoiceApi | VoiceReceiptsReadPut | PUT /voice/receipts-read | Mark delivery receipts as read |
VoiceApi | VoiceSendPost | POST /voice/send | Send voice message(s) |
VoiceDeliveryReceiptRulesApi | VoiceDeliveryReceiptAutomationDelete | DELETE /automations/voice/receipts/{receipt_rule_id} | Delete voice delivery receipt automation |
VoiceDeliveryReceiptRulesApi | VoiceDeliveryReceiptAutomationGet | GET /automations/voice/receipts/{receipt_rule_id} | Get specific voice delivery receipt automation |
VoiceDeliveryReceiptRulesApi | VoiceDeliveryReceiptAutomationPost | POST /automations/voice/receipts | Create voice delivery receipt automations |
VoiceDeliveryReceiptRulesApi | VoiceDeliveryReceiptAutomationPut | PUT /automations/voice/receipts/{receipt_rule_id} | Update voice delivery receipt automation |
VoiceDeliveryReceiptRulesApi | VoiceDeliveryReceiptAutomationsGet | GET /automations/voice/receipts | Get all voice delivery receipt automations |
- ClickSend.Model.Account
- ClickSend.Model.AccountForgotPasswordVerify
- ClickSend.Model.AccountVerify
- ClickSend.Model.Address
- ClickSend.Model.Attachment
- ClickSend.Model.Contact
- ClickSend.Model.ContactList
- ClickSend.Model.ContactListImport
- ClickSend.Model.CountryListIds
- ClickSend.Model.CreditCard
- ClickSend.Model.DateBefore
- ClickSend.Model.DeliveryIssue
- ClickSend.Model.DeliveryReceiptRule
- ClickSend.Model.Email
- ClickSend.Model.EmailAddress
- ClickSend.Model.EmailCampaign
- ClickSend.Model.EmailFrom
- ClickSend.Model.EmailRecipient
- ClickSend.Model.EmailSMSAddress
- ClickSend.Model.EmailTemplateNew
- ClickSend.Model.EmailTemplateUpdate
- ClickSend.Model.FaxMessage
- ClickSend.Model.FaxMessageCollection
- ClickSend.Model.Fields
- ClickSend.Model.FieldsFields
- ClickSend.Model.ForgotPassword
- ClickSend.Model.ForgotUsername
- ClickSend.Model.InboundFaxRule
- ClickSend.Model.InboundSMSRule
- ClickSend.Model.MmsCampaign
- ClickSend.Model.MmsMessage
- ClickSend.Model.MmsMessageCollection
- ClickSend.Model.PostLetter
- ClickSend.Model.PostPostcard
- ClickSend.Model.PostRecipient
- ClickSend.Model.ResellerAccount
- ClickSend.Model.ResellerAccountTransferCredit
- ClickSend.Model.SmsCampaign
- ClickSend.Model.SmsMessage
- ClickSend.Model.SmsMessageCollection
- ClickSend.Model.SmsTemplate
- ClickSend.Model.StrippedString
- ClickSend.Model.Subaccount
- ClickSend.Model.UploadFile
- ClickSend.Model.Url
- ClickSend.Model.VoiceMessage
- ClickSend.Model.VoiceMessageCollection
- Type: HTTP basic authentication