All URIs are relative to
Method | HTTP request | Description |
VoiceCancelAllPut | PUT /voice/cancel-all | Update all voice messages as cancelled |
VoiceCancelByMessageIdPut | PUT /voice/{message_id}/cancel | Update voice message status as cancelled |
VoiceHistoryExportGet | GET /voice/history/export | Export voice history |
VoiceHistoryGet | GET /voice/history | Get all voice history |
VoiceLangGet | GET /voice/lang | Get all voice languages |
VoicePricePost | POST /voice/price | Calculate voice price |
VoiceReceiptsGet | GET /voice/receipts | Get all delivery receipts |
VoiceReceiptsPost | POST /voice/receipts | Add a delivery receipt |
VoiceReceiptsReadPut | PUT /voice/receipts-read | Mark delivery receipts as read |
VoiceSendPost | POST /voice/send | Send voice message(s) |
string VoiceCancelAllPut ()
Update all voice messages as cancelled
Update all voice messages as cancelled
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using IO.ClickSend.ClickSend.Api;
using IO.ClickSend.Client;
using IO.ClickSend.ClickSend.Model;
namespace Example
public class VoiceCancelAllPutExample
public void main()
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
Configuration.Default.Username = "YOUR_USERNAME";
Configuration.Default.Password = "YOUR_PASSWORD";
var apiInstance = new VoiceApi();
// Update all voice messages as cancelled
string result = apiInstance.VoiceCancelAllPut();
catch (Exception e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling VoiceApi.VoiceCancelAllPut: " + e.Message );
This endpoint does not need any parameter.
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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string VoiceCancelByMessageIdPut (string messageId)
Update voice message status as cancelled
Update voice message status as cancelled
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using IO.ClickSend.ClickSend.Api;
using IO.ClickSend.Client;
using IO.ClickSend.ClickSend.Model;
namespace Example
public class VoiceCancelByMessageIdPutExample
public void main()
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
Configuration.Default.Username = "YOUR_USERNAME";
Configuration.Default.Password = "YOUR_PASSWORD";
var apiInstance = new VoiceApi();
var messageId = messageId_example; // string | Your voice message id
// Update voice message status as cancelled
string result = apiInstance.VoiceCancelByMessageIdPut(messageId);
catch (Exception e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling VoiceApi.VoiceCancelByMessageIdPut: " + e.Message );
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
messageId | string | Your voice message id |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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string VoiceHistoryExportGet (string filename)
Export voice history
Export voice history
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using IO.ClickSend.ClickSend.Api;
using IO.ClickSend.Client;
using IO.ClickSend.ClickSend.Model;
namespace Example
public class VoiceHistoryExportGetExample
public void main()
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
Configuration.Default.Username = "YOUR_USERNAME";
Configuration.Default.Password = "YOUR_PASSWORD";
var apiInstance = new VoiceApi();
var filename = filename_example; // string | Filename to export to
// Export voice history
string result = apiInstance.VoiceHistoryExportGet(filename);
catch (Exception e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling VoiceApi.VoiceHistoryExportGet: " + e.Message );
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
filename | string | Filename to export to |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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string VoiceHistoryGet (int? dateFrom = null, int? dateTo = null, int? page = null, int? limit = null)
Get all voice history
Get all voice history
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using IO.ClickSend.ClickSend.Api;
using IO.ClickSend.Client;
using IO.ClickSend.ClickSend.Model;
namespace Example
public class VoiceHistoryGetExample
public void main()
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
Configuration.Default.Username = "YOUR_USERNAME";
Configuration.Default.Password = "YOUR_PASSWORD";
var apiInstance = new VoiceApi();
var dateFrom = 56; // int? | Timestamp (from) used to show records by date. (optional)
var dateTo = 56; // int? | Timestamp (to) used to show records by date (optional)
var page = 56; // int? | Page number (optional) (default to 1)
var limit = 56; // int? | Number of records per page (optional) (default to 10)
// Get all voice history
string result = apiInstance.VoiceHistoryGet(dateFrom, dateTo, page, limit);
catch (Exception e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling VoiceApi.VoiceHistoryGet: " + e.Message );
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
dateFrom | int? | Timestamp (from) used to show records by date. | [optional] |
dateTo | int? | Timestamp (to) used to show records by date | [optional] |
page | int? | Page number | [optional] [default to 1] |
limit | int? | Number of records per page | [optional] [default to 10] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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string VoiceLangGet ()
Get all voice languages
Get all voice languages
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using IO.ClickSend.ClickSend.Api;
using IO.ClickSend.Client;
using IO.ClickSend.ClickSend.Model;
namespace Example
public class VoiceLangGetExample
public void main()
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
Configuration.Default.Username = "YOUR_USERNAME";
Configuration.Default.Password = "YOUR_PASSWORD";
var apiInstance = new VoiceApi();
// Get all voice languages
string result = apiInstance.VoiceLangGet();
catch (Exception e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling VoiceApi.VoiceLangGet: " + e.Message );
This endpoint does not need any parameter.
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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string VoicePricePost (VoiceMessageCollection body)
Calculate voice price
Calculate voice price
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using IO.ClickSend.ClickSend.Api;
using IO.ClickSend.Client;
using IO.ClickSend.ClickSend.Model;
namespace Example
public class VoicePricePostExample
public void main()
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
Configuration.Default.Username = "YOUR_USERNAME";
Configuration.Default.Password = "YOUR_PASSWORD";
var apiInstance = new VoiceApi();
var body = new VoiceMessageCollection(); // VoiceMessageCollection | VoiceMessageCollection model
// Calculate voice price
string result = apiInstance.VoicePricePost(body);
catch (Exception e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling VoiceApi.VoicePricePost: " + e.Message );
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
body | VoiceMessageCollection | VoiceMessageCollection model |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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string VoiceReceiptsGet (int? page = null, int? limit = null)
Get all delivery receipts
Get all delivery receipts
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using IO.ClickSend.ClickSend.Api;
using IO.ClickSend.Client;
using IO.ClickSend.ClickSend.Model;
namespace Example
public class VoiceReceiptsGetExample
public void main()
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
Configuration.Default.Username = "YOUR_USERNAME";
Configuration.Default.Password = "YOUR_PASSWORD";
var apiInstance = new VoiceApi();
var page = 56; // int? | Page number (optional) (default to 1)
var limit = 56; // int? | Number of records per page (optional) (default to 10)
// Get all delivery receipts
string result = apiInstance.VoiceReceiptsGet(page, limit);
catch (Exception e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling VoiceApi.VoiceReceiptsGet: " + e.Message );
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
page | int? | Page number | [optional] [default to 1] |
limit | int? | Number of records per page | [optional] [default to 10] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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string VoiceReceiptsPost (Url body)
Add a delivery receipt
Add a delivery receipt
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using IO.ClickSend.ClickSend.Api;
using IO.ClickSend.Client;
using IO.ClickSend.ClickSend.Model;
namespace Example
public class VoiceReceiptsPostExample
public void main()
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
Configuration.Default.Username = "YOUR_USERNAME";
Configuration.Default.Password = "YOUR_PASSWORD";
var apiInstance = new VoiceApi();
var body = new Url(); // Url | Url model
// Add a delivery receipt
string result = apiInstance.VoiceReceiptsPost(body);
catch (Exception e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling VoiceApi.VoiceReceiptsPost: " + e.Message );
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
body | Url | Url model |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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string VoiceReceiptsReadPut (DateBefore body = null)
Mark delivery receipts as read
Mark delivery receipts as read
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using IO.ClickSend.ClickSend.Api;
using IO.ClickSend.Client;
using IO.ClickSend.ClickSend.Model;
namespace Example
public class VoiceReceiptsReadPutExample
public void main()
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
Configuration.Default.Username = "YOUR_USERNAME";
Configuration.Default.Password = "YOUR_PASSWORD";
var apiInstance = new VoiceApi();
var body = new DateBefore(); // DateBefore | DateBefore model (optional)
// Mark delivery receipts as read
string result = apiInstance.VoiceReceiptsReadPut(body);
catch (Exception e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling VoiceApi.VoiceReceiptsReadPut: " + e.Message );
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
body | DateBefore | DateBefore model | [optional] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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string VoiceSendPost (VoiceMessageCollection body)
Send voice message(s)
Send a voice call
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using IO.ClickSend.ClickSend.Api;
using IO.ClickSend.Client;
using IO.ClickSend.ClickSend.Model;
namespace Example
public class VoiceSendPostExample
public void main()
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
Configuration.Default.Username = "YOUR_USERNAME";
Configuration.Default.Password = "YOUR_PASSWORD";
var apiInstance = new VoiceApi();
var body = new VoiceMessageCollection(); // VoiceMessageCollection | VoiceMessageCollection model
// Send voice message(s)
string result = apiInstance.VoiceSendPost(body);
catch (Exception e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling VoiceApi.VoiceSendPost: " + e.Message );
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
body | VoiceMessageCollection | VoiceMessageCollection model |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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