This interactive dashboard analyzes average ratings from British Airways customers for various aspects of their travel experience, covering data from May 2015 to October 2023.
Displays average ratings for key metrics:
- Overall Rating
- Cabin Staff Service
- Seat Comfort
- Ground Service
- Food & Beverages
- Entertainment
- Value for Money
Tracks monthly average ratings over time to identify trends and patterns.
A world map showing average ratings by country, with darker shades representing higher satisfaction.
Compares average ratings across aircraft models like Boeing 747, Airbus A320, and more.
Includes filters for:
- Date Range: Focus on specific time periods.
- Metric Selector: Update visualizations by metric.
- Continent: Analyze regional differences.
- Traveller Type: Segment data by traveler category.
- Aircraft Group: Refine analysis for specific aircraft groups.
- Identify strengths and weaknesses in customer service.
- Provide insights for improving satisfaction.
- Monitor trends and regional preferences.
- Optimize fleet operations with aircraft-specific insights.
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