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huffeec edited this page Oct 23, 2016 · 13 revisions

Inkscape is designed for creating vector drawings, it isn't a 2d cad package, but it works. If you don't already have a favourite vector editor you can download inkscape for free from


Document properties

When you open a new Inkscape document it's worth changing the 'Default units' to mm in the Document properties (File > Document Properties or Shift - Ctrl - D) You can also resize your document from this dialogue.


it may be useful to set a grid at the same spacing as the material is thick, this allows joints to be made more easily.

to do this go

File>Document properties>Grids

The grid may be hidden via:


Useful tools

To draw lines use the Bezier tool (shift+F6) or 2 below the spiral tool on the main toolbar.

Paths may be split/broken into separate paths so part may be moved/deleted etc by using the edit paths tool (F2) or second on the toolbar, select a single node and press shift+b.Although this seems to sometimes create "compound paths" that need to be separated using Ctrl+Shift+K.

Duplicate objects by selecting and pressing shift+D

Object>transform (Shift+Ctrl+m) can resize objects predictably.

Change the fill and stroke mode (to no fill and black stroke) by right clicking on the colour bar at the bottom.


Might Work

When saving a file for use with lasercutting, use dxf R13 format [Desktop Cutting Plotter (AutoCAD DXF R14)] and use the following setting:

Uncheck "...ROBO-Master..."

Check "...LWPOLYLINE..."

Set "Base Unit" to mm

You should also save a copy of the main file in Inkscape's SVG format.

Works Better

Save the file as an EPS, and then convert it to DXF by either:

Handy Extensions

Laser friendly fonts

Summary of single-line fonts

Hershey Text was a popular Inkscape extension for creating laser friendly text. It's included in Inkscape since version 0.91.0, so there is no need to install it anymore. It can be found in Extensions > Render > Hershey Text.

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