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Mike Gorman edited this page Jan 13, 2022 · 5 revisions

This page is for the largest laser cutter which incurs a £2 surcharge. You should only use it when your project needs the greater size and power.

Nickname Make Model Where Manual Issue Tracker Status
"Tony" CadCamTechnology FB1800 Workshop TBC Tool: Laser Cutter - Monster (Tony) TBC

Class Red Equipment Do not leave unattended

See full safety information below

Bed Size

Approximately 1550mm x 1000mm

Using the Laser Cutter

  • Turn on Power for Machine and Fan at wall. BOTH switches next to cupboard.

  • Power on Tony with Green Power button at front of machine. If this doesn't work, check whether the emergency stop button (next to the power switch) has been depressed, twist it to release it.

  • To focus laser, place your material onto the bed underneath laser. Unscrew small wheel on side of laser head until laser loosens. Use small white measuring stick placed on its side (about 14mm) on top of your material, and set laser head on top of this. Once laser at correct height then tighten wheel.

Using the Lightburn Software

  • Turn on small computer under the monitor. Password is BUBBLINO. Open LIGHTBURN software.

  • Open your File

  • Select your design and drag onto bed. Scroll wheel zooms in and out and also pans. You can create multiples by simply using copy and paste. (You can select individual parts of design and change it's layer by selecting colour squares at bottom of page).

  • select CUT/LAYERS tab (above bed image).

  • Double click on layers C01, C02 etc, to bring up CUT SETTING EDITOR.

  • Set SPEED and POWER (e.g. for 3mm Ply 20-Speed and 60-Power works well).

  • Ensure Output and Air-assist are active (green).

  • To CUT select LINE Mode.

  • To ENGRAVE select FILL mode.

  • Select LASER tab.


  • Clicking FRAME will trace the boundary of your design.

Safety precautions

The laser cutter, if not used and monitored properly, carries a continuous risk of igniting the work piece being cut.

Class Red Equipment

Hazard Who might be harmed an how? What is already being done?
Fire Laser cutter user, other people in the workshop Must be attended while in use. Users trained before use, or only under direct supervision of another trained user.
Burn, skin or eye damage Laser cutter user, other people in the workshop Only to be used after induction. Operated in a reflection enclosed box. Safety interlock on the main door (laser will not fire unless the door is closed).

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